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Holiday Wish Guide: SMART ANATOMY by Oregon Scientific


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With our oldest daughter, Addie being so into science these days, I was excited when SMART ANATOMY by Oregon Scientific hit retailers this fall. Since she’s become so inquisitive about how things work – including the body, we’ve spent quite a bit of time at the library, checking out books based on some specific things. For a few months, she was obsessed with eyes – she wanted to know every piece of them, and how each of them worked. Then it was the heart, and the pattern has continued. With Smart Anatomy, kids can delve deep inside a visual and highly interactive depiction of the human body, with removable parts and a smart pen that activates a wealth of information covering healthy eating habits, bones, organs, muscles and more. “Alex” is the face of Smart Anatomy, and with two faceplates included, Alex can be a boy or a girl.

Smart Anatomy

With over 600 sounds and 150 touch points, Addie has been enthralled with the detail that’s here – and there’s much more to explore. The interest in anatomy and medicine has certainly been fueled by DOC McSTUFFINS over the years, and this takes it to a new level – and I have a feeling that little sister Finley will grow an interest in this as well.

Recommended for ages 5 and up, Smart Anatomy is Rock Father-approved and highly-recommended for all families with small children who are showing an interest in their bodies, or how things work.

Smart Anatomy is available now, direct from Oregon Scientific or on Amazon.com

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