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8 Ways to Help Your Kids Thrive in School

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Juggling homework, friends, and after school activities can cause stress and anxiety which can lead to poor academic performance. In fact, 1 in 13 people around the world suffer from anxiety, according to the World Health Organization. Fortunately, there are things you can do as a parent to help relieve your child’s anxiety and help them really thrive in school. Here are eight ways to help you do just that.

Encourage Physical Activity

Staying physically active can lead to improved brain function which can result in better academic performance. It can also reduce stress and anxiety. Children can experience pent up energy and stress from feeling trapped at a desk for several hours each day at school. Being sedentary can also increase their risk for serious medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which can severely impact their ability to thrive in life.

In the United States, about one in five homes have a park or a fitness center within a half-mile radius. Encourage your children to spend time playing with friends at the park. You can also take them with you when you go work out at the fitness center to help them release any pent up energy. You’ll help your child improve their brain function so they can focus and do better in school.

Support Individual Interests

Help your child find interests that spark and motivate them. You can use these interests to improve academic performance by demonstrating connections between the activity itself and the work they are doing at school. This can help them increase their confidence levels and improve competence in other school subjects. They’ll have something they can be passionate about pursuing, which can help them become more passionate with other areas of their lives and decrease feelings of depression and anxiety.

For example, you can encourage your child who loves to draw to take an art class at school or find extracurricular activities that support that interest. This gives your child something to look forward to, which can also increase their interest in other subjects as they discover how history, math, and language influence their interest. Plus, art students are typically four times more recognized for academic achievements.

Explore Careers

According to 21% of public school teachers, student apathy is a major problem. A reason for this is that children may see school as something they have to get through every day. They may fail to see the relevance of what they are learning in school to its application in real life. Talk with your kids about what they would like to be when they become an adult. Point out how each of the subjects they’re taking in school applies to what they want to be.

Set Up A Designated Study Area

Having a quiet place dedicated to doing their homework can be immensely beneficial for your child to thrive academically. This study area can be in a corner of their bedroom or a room in the house where family activity is minimal. You may want to avoid areas like the kitchen or living room where there are bound to be plenty of distractions. If your child insists on listening to music, try incorporating classical or instrumental music playing softly in the background instead of their favorite tunes. Studies have shown that listening to classical music can improve memory and concentration, which will help your child thrive academically.

Chat About Their Day

When children are struggling with problems they are having at school or with friends, it can negatively impact their school performance. It’s hard to be focused on your studies when you’re worried about something else. Encourage your child to open up and talk with you about the day they had and how they feel. It’s important that they can share their emotions with you without judgment. It will help them cope with their everyday life in a more positive manner and relieve the stress and anxiety that’s holding them back from thriving.

Establish Healthy Routines

Children need a healthy routine structure in order to be able to thrive in school. If they’re tired or hungry, it will be hard for them to be able to focus properly on their schoolwork. Encourage healthy eating habits and provide them with nutritious meals to improve their energy and brain function. Establish regular bedtimes that give them at least eight hours of sleep each night. It will also help them improve their overall mood and decrease stress and anxiety levels.

Foster Good Social Skills

In order for children to thrive, they need to know how to get along with other people and develop healthy relationships. Role model good social skills for your child and help them learn how to deal with bullies in an appropriate way. Encourage positive self-talk and how to talk to others with empathy, honesty, and respect. Teach them the importance of good manners. This can help them navigate all the social relationships they’ll have during their life, which can open up more doors for them to be able to thrive.

Helping your children thrive in school will also help them be able to thrive in life as well. By following these tips, you’ll increase your child’s chances of having a brighter and more successful future. Your child will be able to develop the necessary skills to handle whatever life throws their way.

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