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Album Review: ADE — ‘Supplicium’


OK!! So, let’s go with this new ADE album, Supplicium (Time to Kill Records), yeah? I got into these guys when my dear friend and fellow death metal fan Tito turned me onto them. I was hooked in seconds, and I’ve got the Bandcamp receipts to prove it!

2019’s Rise of the Empire album really got our motors runnin’, and by “we” I mean me plus my partner in crime — my son Corey. He has been the litmus test for many of the albums and bands for over a decade now, so if he goes nuts ,the group is a hit. And lemme tell ya, he loves ADE!

So, with all that said, how is the new disc? In a word, UNREAL! You have crushing brutality, riffs heavy enough to level a construction site, and vocals that will peel your flesh from the bone faster than a tank full’o piranha!

“Burnt Before Gods” and “From Fault to Disfigurement” were my runaway favorites straight out of the gate. As if that wasn’t enough, here comes “Let There Be Oblivion,” a track designed to line your neck with a Dai Katana to ensure a clean beheading. 

“Oderint Dum Metuant” (a Latin phrase meaning “Let them hate, so long as they fear.”) is the remaining favorite on a record full of favorites, and one I keep hitting the “Repeat” button on. Listen, I know we’re only in March, but with this album, ADE has certainly made a case for an early favorite in my Album of the Year race for 2025.

Supplicium is out now. You owe it to your ears to get on this beast post-haste. You’re welcome.



ADE — Supplicium | Source: Time to Kill Records
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Damian Cousins
Damian Cousins
Damian "The Maestro" Cousins is an avowed lover of heavy metal and the band KISS. A die-hard Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Dallas Mavericks fan, you can usually find him watching games with his autistic son, Corey. He is also a 5-time Fantasy Football champion. Damian previously served as Founder and Publisher of Amps and Green Screens. He contributes music reviews to THE ROCK FATHER Magazine.

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