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Album Review: AVERSED — ‘Erasure of Color’


So, the first thing I want to talk about with the new AVERSED album, Erasure of Color (M-Theory Audio), is Sarah Hartman’s vocals. She goes from the dirtiest and nastiest of growls to cleans that will cause whiplash in the unsuspecting listener.

Think I’m fuckin’ around? Go listen to “Cross to Bear.” Yeah, that’s what I thought. Guitarists Sungwoo Jeong and Adam Marchand wrap the riffs ’round yer neck while Martin Epstein (bass) and Jeff Saltzman (drums) come at you with all the subtlety of a chainsaw.

“To Cover Up the Sky” opens the album giving new meaning to the phrase “A lesson in violence.” Honestly, I might have peed a little at first listen! “Lucid Decapitation” is one of those songs that has a great blend of melody and punch, while “Inexorable” is a neck-wrecker hell-bent on putting you in a brace.

The one-two punch of “Burn” and “Solitary” is almost a complete contrast. The problem is both tracks can rip your fucking head off in a New York minute. The title track, “Erasure of Color” is 100% my favorite and one the band should incorporate into any and all future setlists.

“Departures” closes the album as a Hundo-P example of how you end a record. Ya know, I tend to pick records apart and sometimes get too picky with stuff. Well, with AVERSED’s Erasure of Color that won’t be an issue.

Seriously guys and gals, go get this one and do it quickly. Your ears will thank you, and you can thank me later. Enjoy!



Source: Aversed
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Damian Cousins
Damian Cousins
Damian "The Maestro" Cousins is an avowed lover of heavy metal and the band KISS. A die-hard Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Dallas Mavericks fan, you can usually find him watching games with his autistic son, Corey. He is also a 5-time Fantasy Football champion. Damian previously served as Founder and Publisher of Amps and Green Screens. He contributes music reviews to THE ROCK FATHER Magazine.

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