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Author: Staff Contributor

How To Make Your Home Ready For Multiple Generations

When it comes to buying a home, Millennials far outpace Baby Boomers in their interest. In fact, 96% of Millennial investors are interested in...

Constructing a Greenhouse? Consider These Important Factors

The idea of growing plants in environmentally controlled spaces has existed for centuries. Roman gardeners used artificial methods similar to the greenhouse system that...

Camping While Vegan? Yes, It Can Be Done (Deliciously)

Although camping is often associated with summertime, the reality is that camping is possible -- and enjoyable -- at almost any time of year....

Prickly Pear Plastics: Researchers Reveal Cactus May Offer Sustainable Solution

We rely on plastics for nearly everything. From the decor in our homes to the machines we use at work (many of which might...

End Of Summer Tips For Saving Energy at Home

As summer starts turning into fall, now is the perfect time to adjust your home's energy usage for the cooler season. Energy expenses are...

What Is The Relationship Between Fiber Optic Cables And 5G Networks?

Technology is advancing at an incredible rate. Already, Americans can see the power of 5G networks on the horizon; considering the fact that wireless...

Adding an In-Law Suite: What to Keep in Mind When Creating Extra Living Space

Considering that the senior population continues to grow, it's no surprise that families are flexing their creative muscles in order for older folks to...

Are These ‘Healthy’ Trends Actually Hurting Your Teeth?

The number of fast food restaurants throughout the U.S. has doubled since the 1970s, but more and more Americans are thinking a lot harder...

Revolutionary Relaxation: 3 Ways To Calm Your Mind And Manage Your Anxiety

Approximately 40 million Americans, or 18.1% of the entire population, suffer from anxiety disorders. That's a startling statistic, although one that is understandable; nearly...

Men Are Now Using Hair Loss Medicine to Help Them Unlock the Ultimate Beard

Facial hair has been "in" for the last few years, with both men and women favoring the distinguished-yet-slightly-unkempt hipster vibe. But some people have...

What You Need To Know Before Starting Your Renovations

Many people have a long list of projects in mind when they first buy their home, but these can get put off sometimes for...

5 Cool Tips To Stay Comfy This Summer

Summer is finally here, and with the change of seasons comes changing temperatures. Depending on where you live, summer can get incredibly uncomfortable and...

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