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Baby Pop Fan? RIHANNA gets a new lullaby collection…

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After a couple of weeks staying firmly-rooted in the rock realm with Lullaby Collections based on the works of PANTERA and AC/DC, the folks over at Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star have gone “pop” with the release of LULLABY VERSIONS OF RIHANNA. This set reworks a dozen of Rih-Rih’s biggest hits into “lush instrumental versions” perfect for your baby’s nursery. Can I make it through this news without taking a jab at CHRIS BROWN? No.

I can’t help but picture a little Chris Brown as a naughty toddler… a tattooed tot, throwing temper tantrums at every opportunity, violently slamming his sippy cup onto the ground, and punching his pesky nanny in the face to “teach that lady right.” But the nanny just sucks it up and comes back for more, never knowing when the little thug will strike again. Sound familiar? It should, since adult Chris Brown acts like an angry toddler and often needs to be sent for a “time out” in “the naughty spot.”

rihcoverLullaby Versions of Rihanna track listing
  1. Diamonds
  2. Umbrella
  3. Rude Boy
  4. Disturbia
  5. Princess of China
  6. S&M
  7. Fly
  8. Only Girl (in the World)
  9. Where Have You Been
  10. Nobody’s Business
  11. We Found Love
  12. Pour It Up

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LULLABY VERSIONS OF RIHANNA is the 106th release from the Roma Music Group under their Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star line. For more on what they do, check out http://www.ttlrs.com

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