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Battlefront II PC Gamers Can Now play as SNL’s “Matt the Radar Technician”


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If you’re a console gamer like I am, this won’t apply to you, but if PC gaming is your thing and you’re currently playing EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront II, this might be up your alley. Mods are a big deal to a lot of PC gamers, and Battlefront already has its share, but one in particular that came across my twitter feed this morning is pretty fantastic. I’ve mentioned it before, but SNL’s Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base sketch still holds up as being a delightful piece of Star Wars comedy – one that has a lot of re-watch potential. Many became fans of Matt the Radar Technician (Kylo Ren in disguise), and now you can play as Matt in Battlefront II is mods are your thing. Check out the video below!

You can grab the mod from Nexus Mods, and if Matt’s not your bag, perhaps “Darth Vader in Pink” might be?

Thanks to my friends at GameStop, I’ve been playing Star Wars: Battlefront II on the Xbox One. Campaign mode and DLC has been completed, so now I’m just building skills on all the multiplayer action. The game was divisive when it was released this past November, but I dig it.

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