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Contests and Giveaways

Father’s Day Giveaway: Oral-B Deep Sweep TRIACTION™ 1000 power toothbrush #PowerOfDad

Last week, I posted about Oral-B hitting the mark with their cute new commercial, THE POWER OF DAD. Now, with Father's Day just a...

Father’s Day Giveaway: The Ultimate R.E.M. GREEN Prize Pack!

Back in 1988, R.E.M. released their major label debut for Warner Bros. when GREEN hit record store shelves. The album would launch some iconic...

Father’s Day Giveaway: Classic Film Blu-Ray Bundle from 20th Century Fox!

Father's Day is less than a week away, and in the spirit of this day (and month) of Dads, The Rock Father and 20th...

Giveaway: gDiapers and The Rock Father Celebrate Summer like Royalty…

Summer in America - time to break out the Red, White and Blue, get outside and enjoy the great outdoors, and have some fun...

[Closed] Giveaway: SKILLET – Fly Away to Rise VIP Experience in Chicago or Nashville…

Here's a story for ya that comes from my pre-Rock Father days: A decade ago, I was nearing the end of my run at...

Father’s Day Giveaway: BECAUSE I’M YOUR DAD – the new book by Ahmet Zappa

Since becoming a Dad... actually, since starting The Rock Father two years ago, a lot of people send me books about being a Dad....

GIVEAWAY: Stanley Cup Playoffs – The Rock Father & Enterprise Rent-A-Car want to ROCK your party!

I don't normally cover a lot of sports here on The Rock Father, so when I do, it has to be something special. Case-in-point?...

First Prom with The Rock Father: 1993 Revisited for 2013… with an ACUVUE Giveaway for Parents and Kids!

Since it's May, that means it's officially PROM SEASON. As a parent, I figure I've got roughly 12-13 years before I get to worry...

GIVEAWAY: What’s Your Fandom? Your chance at OffWorld Designs T-Shirts…

Folks that visit The Rock Father regularly know that there's quite a bit of content that could be considered "fandom" oriented. There's a lot...

Giveaway: Hasbro ANGRY BIRDS STAR WARS toys and games! #MayThe4thBeWithYou

I am a STAR WARS aficionado. Those that are regular readers of The Rock Father know this. I've been known to "teach The Force";...

Giveaway: Share Your Favorite Mom-Related Song for a chance at a $75 Teleflora Gift Certificate (Hint: Mother’s Day is coming!)

MOTHER'S DAY 2013 is fast-approaching (it's May 12 - just in case you weren't aware), and the folks at Teleflora can help deliver something...

Giveaway – LED ZEPPELIN: SOUND and FURY signed print by Neal Preston!

This week, LED ZEPPELIN: SOUND AND FURY, a digital book by noted photographer Neal Preston, arrived exclusively on the iBookstore for the iPad. To...

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