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Holiday Wish Guide & Seasonal Cheer

25 Days of Xmas: Santa Claus: The Man, The Myth, The Slam Dancer

A long time ago on a television far, far away... MTV played music videos. But rather than launch into a discussion of the days of...

Holiday Music – Thrashing Through the Snow: A Very MEGADETH Christmas

With all of the "rock" and "metal" Christmas albums out there, it's always a wonder that more bands don't get in on the action....

Holiday Gift Guide: MOBILE COMMAND R/C Dodge Challenger by Toy State

Radio Controlled vehicles are always a big hit here at Rock Father HQ, and one of our favorites arrived here earlier this year in...

Holiday Music: PBS KIDS presents Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood – SNOWFLAKE DAY EP

I've long noted that one of the biggest assets of DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD is the music. Since day one, long before I started working...

25 Days of Xmas – FREE DOWNLOAD: NTNT “The List”

If it were say, 1985, and I were out at the mall Christmas shopping after catching a matinee screening of THE BREAKFAST CLUB, it's...

25 Days of Xmas – AUGUST BURNS RED release “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”

They have a tradition of releasing a metal version of a classic Holiday song each Christmas, and last year, AUGUST BURNS RED brought them...


THE RASKINS (twin brothers Logan and Roger) were born and raised in New York City in a musical household. Now, having left their East...

25 Days of Xmas: The Legend of Ranger, The Reindeer Who Couldn’t Fly

You all know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and of course, Rudolph. But did you know that Rudolph has a brother......

Holiday Gift Guide: WILD OPHELIA Chocolates… An American Roadtrip to THE HUNGER GAMES…

There has never been another time when I could say that I've been "excited about chocolate." Sure, I like my peanut butter cups on...

25 Days of Xmas: Teleflora Duck the Halls Giveaway!

'Tis the Season to be Jolly, and this year, my friends at Teleflora have decided to "Duck the Halls" with The Robertson Family and...

25 Days of Xmas – Make Christmas Magic with Portable North Pole…

In the course of putting together my holiday coverage here at Rock Father HQ this year, despite all the cool toys and games that...

MEGA Bloks 12 Days of Giveaways: Toys for You, and Your Favorite Charity!

My friends at MEGA Bloks have just launched a new series of giveaways that I strongly encourage all friends of The Rock Father to...

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