28.6 F

Toys, Games and More...

Force Friday Countdown: Kenner STAR WARS Sy Snootles & The Max Rebo Band- 17 Days to Go

I've been waiting months for this one - a chance to properly throw a slab of "Lapti Nek" on the turntable and share some...


I've been Teaching The Force THE ROCK FATHER Way™ on an official basis ever since our oldest daughter, Addie, was born back in 2009. Now,...

Force Friday Countdown: The 2006 STAR WARS TRANSFORMERS Darth Vader Figure – 18 Days to Go

It's sometimes a weird space for toys when a license exists, but there's not really a new main property to support it. That happened...

Force Friday Countdown: The 1985 Kenner STAR WARS Yak Face Action Figure – 19 Days to Go

There was a time in the 1990s when STAR WARS wasn't really a big deal, and in a lot of ways it felt off-the-radar....

Force Friday Countdown: Kenner STAR WARS Bespin Freeze Chamber Micro Collection Playset – 20 Days to Go

No, you're not having Deja Vu - today's Force Friday Countdown toy has actually been featured once before... but as a part of something...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Barriss Offee – 21 Days to Go!

Barriss Offee is a member of the Jedi Order that I'm not extremely familiar with - just because we haven't finished going through THE...

The One with the Funko Pop Vinyls… FRIENDS Gets a Figure Set

FRIENDS is going through a Renaissance, it would seem. 11 years after "The Last One" aired on NBC, and 21 years after "The Pilot,"...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Jabba the Hutt’s Throne Room Set – 22 Days to Go!

What a day this has been for STAR WARS news and... leaks. Here we are just 22 days from the big #ForceFriday reveal of...

Watch: STACKINS – “The Great Zoo Escape” (Episode I)

Earlier this year, The Rock Daughters and I got our hands on some early samples of Funrise Toys' Stackins - what's become a popular item...

Force Friday Countdown: Kenner STAR WARS Y-Wing Fighter – 23 Days to Go!

I absolutely loved my Kenner STAR WARS Y-Wing Fighter when I was a kid. I loved it so much that I bought the late...

A Notorious Mr. Potato Head is Blasting in from Kamino…

In STAR WARS EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES, Jango Fett was revealed not only to be the father of the iconic Bounty Hunter...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Emperor Palpatine – 24 Days to Go!

According to the Force Friday Calendar on my desk, "We all know the The Emperor is the worst person in the STAR WARS universe."...

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