To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the The Beatles’ groundbreaking animated film, Yellow Submarine Titan Merchandising has issued an incredible Beatles Yellow Submarine Limited Edition Box Set. Limited to only 1,968 pieces, the lavishly illustrated box contains a Yellow Submarine novel by Mad Magazine’s Bill Morrison, a 6 1/2-inch Yellow Submarine vinyl figure, 16 lobby cards, 4 movie posters based on the originals, 5 Beatles badges, a replica Yellow Submarine film premier ticket, and an exclusive art card signed by Bill Morrison! It’s available now for pre-order at Entertainment Earth!
- Beatles buffs, rejoice!
- Limited edition box set of Yellow Submarine goodies!
- Contains a Yellow Submarine vinyl figure, lobby cards, movie posters, Beatles badges, and more.
- Includes an exclusive art card signed by Mad Magazine’s Bill Morrison!
- Limited to only 1,968 pieces.