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Cool Kickstarter: Around the World with Little Pim (A Holiday e-Book for Kids) #LPKickstarter

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Little PimIf you’re not familiar with Little Pim and are interested in working with your children to learn a foreign language, you definitely should be. I’ve mentioned the multi-platform language learning system here on The Rock Father before, and I’ve been dabbling with their French and Spanish sets here at Rock Father HQ. I say “dabble” because I’ve yet to be able to devote the time I really need to into it, but I’m getting there. I want my girls to learn early, and Little Pim has a fantastic program to do it, complete with music (DAN ZANES and MILKSHAKE appear on the Spanish disc we have), books, DVDs, flashcards, Apps and more, all geared toward kids from birth-six. But now they have an additional project in the mix that they could use a little help funding a Holiday e-Book for Kids called AROUND THE WORLD WITH LITTLE PIM. They’re looking for $12K and are about halfway there on Kickstarter* with just 11 days to go. If you’re inclined to help, you’ll get some pretty cool products in return. Let’s take a look.


Interested in taking part? Check out Little Pim’s Kickstarter to get rolling for as little as $1 (yeah, a buck!). And hey, look at that – Little Pim is hanging our with me here in my office tonight. I think we’re gonna go get a snack. Bonne journée!

Little Pim at Rock Father HQ

*A Note on Kickstarter Projects that are featured on The Rock Father: I get pitched a lot of projects (seriously, A LOT) and only have the time to feature a select few here on the site. I need to really, really, really like the project to devote time to post it. Please be aware, that at the end of the day, pitching me a Kickstarter/IndieGoGo or any other “crowd-funding” effort is really just asking me to help someone I don’t know ask for money. So please don’t be rude, don’t hound me, and don’t badger me. There is no reason to send a follow-up email. If I like the project and have time, I may post about it.

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