Counterfeit toys are a big problem. While there might be the occasional “funny” bootleg like the infamous Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace knockoffs that labeled Darth Maul as “Dennis” and Anakin Skywalker as “Little Girl,” counterfeit toys are no laughing matter. They put kids at risk by preying on the parents and grandparents who may accidentally buy them. The hottest toys are the most heavily-bootlegged, and that means that L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls are not only the #1 toy right now, but also the most faked. Around the world, reports have been coming in about shipments being seized and counterfeiters being prosecuted as MGA Entertainment continues to protect their patents by taking legal action as they can – with the ultimate goal of stopping them at the source: the Chinese factories that are quickly pumping out these low-quality knockoffs that wouldn’t pass safety tests. In fact, many bootlegs test positive for high levels of dangerous chemicals. So what happens to the counterfeit toys once they’re found? They have to be destroyed, and that’s just what happened to a shipment discovered by authorities in Chile. MGA Entertainment CEO Isaac Larian shared a video today via LinkedIn that I’ve been given permission with all of you…
Destined for the landfill, these counterfeit L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls were crushed by a bulldozer’s wheels.
To make sure you’re getting the real deal, only buy from reputable retailers, and be cautious when dealing with third-party sellers who may be operating through major websites and marketplaces. Check out the official L.O.L. Surprise! website for more.