Welcoming a new baby to the family is an exciting and joyous occasion. Many couples don’t take the so-called traditional route (as is evidenced by the thousands of women applying to be surrogates each year). No matter how your new baby is coming to you, it’s a cause for celebration and significant preparation!

One of the main things you’ll need to consider in your home is the nursery. It’s important to combine comfort, safety, tranquility, and functionality in this space. After all, it will be where the baby and you will be spending a lot of time. In this article, we’ll cover some tips for creating the perfect nursery for your new baby.

1. Room Layout

When you’re creating the perfect nursery, the placement of the furniture is vital to the comfort of both the baby and you. Start by placing the crib close to the door. This will allow you quick access to feeding and changes. It will also allow you to do quick check-ins without making noise or using lights.

Place the crib away from windows if possible to avoid drafts. The changing table should be close to both the crib and the dresser to make everything easier for you. Place a rocking chair or glider across from the crib, so you can rest while allowing you to keep an eye on the baby. Be sure to keep the center of the room open for when you’re walking and rocking the baby back to sleep.

2. Curtains and Carpet

Even before thinking about furniture, you’ll want to decide on curtains and carpeting. Do yourself a favor and invest in blackout curtains. The extra layers help to block out 99% of light. This will help create a tranquil environment when the baby sleeps during the day.

When thinking about carpeting, consider a neutral-colored wall-to-wall installation. According to Home Digest, 30.37% of people lean toward gray carpets. Gray carpeting is a nice choice for a nursery because it won’t interfere with any wall colors or themes. It’s also great at concealing stains. Whatever the color, carpeting is essential for warmth and comfort in a nursery.

3. Decor

This is one of the most enjoyable parts of creating a nursery. You can choose a specific theme, like Disney characters, dinosaurs, or butterflies. You can also keep it casual, eclectic, or classic. Don’t be afraid to mix things up.

Have an accent wall, paint a mural, add glow-in-the-dark stickers, stencils, name art, or family photos. It all depends on your tastes and what you want the baby to be exposed to. Just remember not to overdo it.

Another tip is to keep the paint color neutral in case tastes change. You can always add colorful accents like blankets, wall art, and throw rugs. Just make it a space that’s inviting for everyone.

4. Organization System

Add some flair and extra storage by having decorative baskets around the nursery. You can store blankets and swaddles, spare diapers, and anything else you need. Baskets offer easy access in the middle of the night when you don’t want to turn on the light or clank the drawers around.

6. Mini Library Creation

Reading is a habit that you’re never too young to start. Even newborns benefit from hearing the soothing sound of a parent’s voice. A small bookcase will be a much-needed resource in the nursery. You’re guaranteed to get a lot of books as gifts, so a bookcase in the nursery will help store them as well.

We hope you found these tips useful. No matter what the size of the room or your budget, creating the perfect nursery for your baby is possible. All it takes is some creativity and lots of love.

Pictured Top: The Western Cowboy Bedding Collection by Sweet Jojo Designs, available at Amazon.

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