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DANIEL TOSH – HAPPY THOUGHTS (Archive Comedy Review)

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Daniel ToshNote: This was originally published on another site back on March 5, 2011. It would quickly become that site’s most popular article, and one heavily trolled in the comments section. While it is archived here, troll comments are subject to removal.

Upon popping in HAPPY THOUGHTS, the third comedy album from DANIEL TOSH, I came to a realization… I have never watched an episode of TOSH.0. Sure, I’ve seen the commercials, but for being one of the “most watched” programs on Comedy Central, I have yet to come across a single person that  actually watches it.

I now know why.

On HAPPY THOUGHTS, Daniel Tosh makes it very clear that he is not funny.

Spending an hour listening to this album on a Sunday afternoon did nothing but prompt thoughts of everything that’s wrong with this Country. It’s TWO AND A HALF MEN syndrome. Yep, Charlie Sheen was winning all the way to the bank by starring in one of the most unfunny, boring, and witless pieces of shit on television. Here we have Mr. Tosh, who has apparently milked three seasons worth of paychecks by performing the type of similarly unfunny garbage present on this disc. What is always the painful reality is that the “general audience” of Americans that watch television are big fans of unfunny bullshit.

He trolls the road that’s already been well-traveled, taking shots at religion, immigration, politics, you name it – and that’s fine, if he’d do it well.. He’s got some racist tendencies, and he even goes as far as to make fun of his sister being raped.  There’s nothing wrong with taking un-PC shots at everyone in comedy, but be funny. If you do it and aren’t funny, you just sound like a dick. At a couple points, Tosh even does some vocal inflections that seem ripped directly from Brian Posehn, Dane Cook, and Jim Gaffigan. Not only unfunny, but also unoriginal.

Either Tosh couldn’t be troubled to create actual titles for each of his bits, or he thought it was really amusing to name them all by number – all except for track 11, which is called “Please Kill Me.” Look at that smile he’s sporting on the cover of the album… he knows he’s not funny, but he thinks it’s just great that you bought his CD/DVD. At least I got mine for free.

Rating: 0.5 out of 5 Stars

*Note: the .5 is only because I agree that the Black Eyed Peas are beyond their expiration date.

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