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Father’s Day 2013: Munchkins, Milestones, Media and Rock…


This article is more than 12 years old and may not have been updated since our last site redesign. It may contain outdated information or could be missing images.

Father’s Day is a special day for me, not because we “need” a holiday to celebrate being a Dad (I do that every day), but because of the significance that this weekend will forever hold for us personally here at Rock Father HQ. It was two years ago today that I flipped the switch on this website and posted my first entry as THE ROCK FATHER. While this site celebrates it’s 2nd Anniversary, this weekend also marks my 4th Father’s Day as a Dad, and more importantly, the 1st Birthday of my youngest daughter, who turned one yesterday. Yep, she rocks so hard that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had to copy us and pop out their little one on June 15 as well.

I’m taking in Father’s Day 2013 as a typical Sunday here in Illinois – spending it with my wife and our two munchkins, Addie and Finn. Later today, we’ll head off to swimming lessons, which both girls started last Sunday night, and will continue through the summer. 

If you’re up for some Sunday Afternoon reading, I was fortunate to be included in special Father’s Day coverage from a few media outlets this year. Each is a distinctly different celebration of Fatherhood, and here’s the rundown…

  • gDiapers – Diaper Therapy Blog: I’m terrible about doing “guest blogs” or contributing to other sites. Despite having several outstanding offers, I procrastinate heavily, and seldom contribute (something I’m trying to get better at). I promised the cool cats over at gDiapers a guest post for their Diaper Therapy Blog over a year ago, and have finally delivered. Rolling with their theme of “This Takes Guts,” my entry, “You Want It All But You Can’t Have It. (Actually You Can)” can be found here. Yes, that is a FAITH NO MORE reference in the title.
  • Babble – 26 Fathers’ First Thoughts as New Fathers: Charlie Capen of HowToBeADad included me in his Father’s Day feature over at Babble. As the title indicates, I toss out my first thoughts upon seeing each of my two daughters for the very first time in 2009 and 2012. Read it here.
  • Life of Dad – 30 Dads, 30 Days: Tommy Riles at Life of Dad invited me to take part in their month-long Father’s Day event, 30 Dads, 30 Days. I did a fun little interview and got to answer some questions that I’ve never been asked before, giving much-due props to my wife for fueling our adventures. Read it here.
  • Step2 – A Father’s Love: As many of you know, I’m a 2013 “Test Drive Blogger” for Ohio-based Step2 toys. For Father’s Day, the folks at Step2 published A Father’s Love – special blog that pays tribute to some great Dads that work at Step2’s Corporate Headquarters and Warehouse. They were very kind to include me as a part of their extended family. Read it here.
  • Designer Daddy – Proud Papa Gallery of Greatness: Brent Almond aka Designer Daddy, invited around 40 fellow Fathers to share some artwork created by or with their children. Painstakingly compiling them into an online art gallery, a piece entitled “The Family Farm” is featured… created by my daughter, Addie (with help from yours truly). See the gallery here.
  • Lake County Magazine – “Daddy Day Care? I Don’t Think So!”: I featured this one here on The Rock Father eariler this month, but since I’m doing a roundup, I have to include it – especially since it was in-print and online. Three Dads from Lake County Illinois are featured as we break down the stereotypes that surround being an “At-Home-Dad.” Read it online via ISSUU.

Thank you to everyone that reads my online writings regularly, and follows the adventures of our family!

For All the Parents Who Rock, I Salute You.


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