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FREE DOWNLOAD: Summer 2013 Road Trip Playlist for Families…

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This article is more than 12 years old and may not have been updated since our last site redesign. It may contain outdated information or could be missing images.

Memorial Day Weekend: For many, it’s the official start of the Summer Season. It’s a big travel weekend, and as some families pile into the car for their first major road trip of the year, the soundtrack for adventure can be called into question. For those looking for some fresh, family-friendly jams, The Rock Father has you covered with a jumping off point to explore some of the finest music that the Kindie world has to offer. 13 Top Kindie Artists have contributed to this limited-time FREE DOWNLOAD – a Summer Music Playlist to help you rock the ride. It’s available until June 1 (after which it will become “streaming-only”), so grab these tracks now before you head out on the highway…


Dig what you hear? Support these artists by visiting their official sites and experiencing more great music:

  1. Key Wilde and Mr Clarke – “Wander Round the World” www.keywildeandmrclarke.com
  2. Charlie Hope – “Train Song” www.charliehope.com
  3. Dean Jones – “Outshining Nomads” www.dogonfleas.com
  4. Trout Fishing in America -“Slow” www.troutmusic.com
  5. Alastair Moock – “Hard Travelin” www.moockmusic.com
  6. Putumayo Kids – “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” by Johnny Bregar www.putumayokids.com
  7. The Monkey Bunch – “Honk Honk” www.themonkeybunch.com/
  8. Peter Himmelman – “My Green Kite” www.peterhimmelman.com 
  9. The Not-Its! – “Let’s Skateboard” www.wearethenot-its.com
  10. Shine and the Moonbeams – “Kilimanjaro” shineandthemoonbeams.com/
  11. Cat Doorman – “Turn Around” www.catdoorman.com
  12. Justin Roberts – “Fruit Jar” www.justinrobertsmusic.com
  13. The Secret Mountain – “Down At the Sea Hotel” www.thesecretmountain.com

BONUS! No, it’s not a “Kindie” track, but when it comes to Road Trip music, I always like to include THE AQUABATS’ cover of Lindsey Buckingham’s 1983 classic, “Holiday Road” from NATIONAL LAMPOONS VACATION. Grab a FREE DOWNLOAD of that cut from THE AQUABATS’ official website.

Pssst! You might have noticed that this compilation wasn’t filed under Kids & Family Music,” but under a new section called “Rock Father Rides.” For the families that like to rock AND roll, there’s some killer content on the way… and it all gets started this June. Stay tuned…

For more rock delivered daily, including the latest in great music, cool toys, and fun for the whole family – “like” The Rock Father on Facebook.

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