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Growing up, I don’t remember there being much love for pirates. In fact, as an 80s kid, the only real “pirate” memory that sticks in my head is One Eyed Willy and his fantastic ship in THE GOONIES (which turns 30 this year), and one of the major reasons why is that most pirates were sorta a-holes, and Captain James Hook was the poster boy. Weird thing is, back then the “talk” of Hook was bigger than the character, as we’d only seen PETER PAN during a theatrical re-release in 1982. Fast-forward a few decades and pirates are everywhere, and as new generations have had instant access to older films, there’s a really cool vibe that surrounds JAKE AND THE NEVER LAND PIRATES as an educational, yet fun series that manages to seamlessly bridge the classic and the modern. While Captain Hook might be a little toned-down from his earlier, more sinister days, he’s still an a-hole, and that’s the driving force behind the recent BATTLE FOR THE BOOK, which premiered last Fall on Disney Junior and is now out on DVD.

Finley playing with her Jake figures...

Little Finn is setting up the scene with her Jake figurines…

Battle for the BookAs a direct link to PETER PAN (and a sorta-meta one at that), Captain Hook decides it’s time to make a trip to London to steal Wendy’s infamous storybook that contains all of the adventures featuring Hook Vs. Pan. He thinks he looks like a jerk (which he does), so he snatches the book and the battle is on. While Peter Pan has appeared on JAKE before, this is the first time that I’ve ever seen the classic world become so prevalent in the story, and that’s cool – especially since my girls have started putting the pieces of everything together, like Tick-Tock the Crocodile – who’s not only responsible for making Hook Hook (he ate his hand), but also now has appeared as a baby in last year’s Tinker Bell film, THE PIRATE FAIRY (which also featured a pre-Hook captain). Here, the classic characters from PETER PAN have a full-blown adventure with Jake and the crew, and it takes some teamwork for everything to fall back into place. After all, without the book, the stories would be forgotten.

While the BATTLE FOR THE BOOK is a worthy purchase on DVD to enjoy repeatedly with the kids, being as into toys and collectibles as we are, it’s interesting to watch the girls create their own adventures with Jake, Izzy and Cubby as they take on Hook and Mr. Smee.

Addie and Finn have a very animated adventure...

Addie and Finn have a very “animated” adventure while playing JAKE…

The characters intermingle with the other figures we have here (Smee is a known associate of Darth Vader in this house), and there’s always a sense that they’re connected to a larger world both in reality, and in imagination.


Hmmmm… I can pretty much assure you that Captain Hook and Mr. Smee are up to no good. And Tick-Tock the Croc? Look at how tantalized he is…

JAKE AND THE NEVER LAND PIRATES: BATTLE FOR THE BOOK is available now on DVD and includes a Checkerboard Bandana Game. Jake toys are available at Disney Store and other retailers nationwide.

Rock Father-Approved and Recommended.

For the purpose of this feature, Disney provided us with the DVD, a Figurine Playset, a Cannon Popper and a Skully Mini Plush from the Disney Store.


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#jakeandtheneverlandpirates #skully #pirates #peterpan #captainhook #disneyjunior

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