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Have We Spoken about Butt Paste®? I’ve been Kickin’ Rash Since ‘09!


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Presented in collaboration between The Rock Father, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® and Life of Dad

Let’s talk about butts. I don’t talk about butts too much here on THE ROCK FATHER Magazine, but being “The Rock Father” and all, I do know a thing or two about butts. Soft butts, firm butts, there’s all kinds of butts, but as a dad with two young daughters, I can remember a time when it was all about those baby butts. In a perfect world, they’re soft and smooth, but we all know that irritation is a big time problem, and I remember those sad cries when diaper rash would rear (no pun intended) its ugly redness, making those little butts painful to touch. I tried many products to help those butts, and it wasn’t until I came across Maximum Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® that I was truly #KickingRash! In fact, even though the girls are well beyond diapers, I still keep some Butt Paste on hand since you never know when it might come in handy. So… with all that rash-kickin’ power, what else could it help clear up?

What if Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® could help clear up that mess in my garage?

Butt Paste

All right, so slapping a gob of Butt Paste® on the garage sale mess probably isn’t gonna make it go away, but one can wish, right? I also wish I’d had this behemoth of a 14oz jar of Butt Paste® when I was in my regular diaper-changing days. The tubes are fantastic for regular use and travel, but a big jar would’ve been rash-kicking!

Butt Paste

Seriously, Maximum Strength Butt Paste® packs twice the rash-kicking ingredient of Original and no harsh ingredients. With 40% Zinc Oxide, this stuff starts working on contact, providing relief in as little as three hours.


  • Provides thickest barrier of protection against diaper rash*

  • Paraben-, preservative- and phthalate-free

  • Maximum strength treatment and protection

  • Pediatrician-recommended

*Based on viscosity measurements of Boudreaux’s® Maximum Strength Butt Paste® versus leading zinc oxide diaper rash cream and ointment brands.

If you’ve got little ones whose rash needs kicking, grab yourself a jar of Maximum Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste®. You’ll be kicking rash in no time!

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