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MEGA Construx™: It’s Time to Build Beyond with Family…


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The Rock Father™ is a MEGA™Ambassador and Beyonder

MEGA Bloks® have been a part of our family since day one. In fact, I think it was at the baby shower for the first of The Rock Daughters™ when we received our first set – a Big Building Bag filled with those classic blocks that preschoolers have been building with for decades. Fast-forward a few years, and just as our kids have grown up, so has MEGA™ – recently making a nod to the past as they look toward the future with their ever-expanding line of MEGA Construx™ building sets for the entire family. From developing builders to kids ages 4+, from tweens to adult collectors, MEGA™ has something for everyone, and there’s no better time than the present to spend some time with the family, getting together to “Build Beyond.”

MEGA Construx

New sets from MEGA™ have always been an exciting thing, and from open-ended building sets to some of the biggest pop culture licenses around, we’ve been enjoying builds including characters from American Girl®, Despicable Me®, Halo®, Pokémon™® and more.

Build Beyond with MEGA Construx

Our latest builds include the American Girl McKenna’s Gymnastic Competition, a couple of Pokémon sets, and from the recent Despicable Me 3,” Agnes’ Toy Sale, Dru’s Transforming Car and the Wild Water Ski Bike.

MEGA Construx American Girl - McKenna's Gymnastics Competition

With the kids I build – taking pictures along the way. What’s always entertaining is to see how the actual build is simply the first part of the fun. The kids add and subtract their own creations, all while having endless adventure with the included figures. Could the American Girl crew spend some time with members of the Halo team with numerous Pokémon lurking nearby just waiting to be caught? Entirely possible!

MEGA Construx Despicable Me

Personally, I’m digging the new MEGA Heroes™ line – little action figures torn from the pages of pop culture. These continue the precedent set with the MEGA Construx™ Call of Duty® and Halo collections, but with new characters from StarTrek: The Next Generation, Aliens and Masters of the Universe thrown into the mix.

MEGA Construx MEGA Heroes

As the girls and I continue to build new and more elaborate creations, it’s always hard to believe that it wasn’t long ago that the ABC Learning Train was at the height of our MEGA™ builds…

MEGA Bloks Learning Train

What will you build? Check out new sets and Build Beyond at MEGAConstrux.com.

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