Sometimes new experiences come from unexpected places, and one of those recently occurred when one of my Facebook friends introduced me to Scentsy Fragrances. I really didn’t know much about Scentsy aside from seeing occasional stickers or ads for it, but I was willing to give it a shot here at Rock Father HQ in hopes of bringing some interesting fragrances into my office and home.
Karen hooked me up with the Paris Scentsy Warmer Deluxe (which I chose based on my wife’s fixation on French culture), and three Scentsy Bars – French Lavender, Route 66 and My Dear Watson. The set-up is simple: Break off a bit of the bars (scented wax), place them in the warmer, turn it on and let it melt. Then, after you’re done with the fragrance for the day, pour it back into it’s package while still warm, and you’re ready for the next time.
I tend to be fragrance-sensitive, and a bit picky – but all three of these are really nice. They can be a bit strong right off the bat, but they last for repeat use really well. There’s dozens of regular scents available, and seasonal offerings as well. Additionally, retired scents with big followings are currently in competition to be brought back, and you’d be surprised just how enthusiastic some of their followers are!
While I’m digging these here at HQ, Mother’s Day is just around the corner (it’s Sunday, May 11!), and Scentsy would make a great gift. In fact, they’ve even got a special Mother’s Day Bundle going on right now –
Scentsy Mother’s Day Bundle:
1 White Crackle Tulip Shade Warmer, and
Three Scentsy Bars:
1 Peony Petals Scentsy Bar
1 Sugar Scentsy Bar
1 Zen Garden Scentsy Bar
A cool idea, right?
Thanks to Karen Hudson for letting me check out some Scentsy.