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New DVD Collections from CAILLOU and DANIEL TIGER’S NEIGHBORHOOD are on the way…

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PBS KIDSOn July 15, PBS Distribution will release a pair of new DVD collections from two of PBS KIDS’ biggest hits – CAILLOU and DANIEL TIGER’S NEIGHBORHOOD. Pre-orders for both have gone live, and I’ve got the full details on FUN AND GAMES WITH CAILLOU and DANIEL TRIES SOMETHING NEW, below – right here on THE ROCK FATHER…


In addition to featuring the following eight stories, the DVD includes special features – printable activities and coloring pages as well as bonus live-action music videos, which interweave scenes from the show with footage of the show’s musical composers singing “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” and “You Are Special.”

Daniel’s Babysitter

Mom and Dad Tiger are going out for the evening, and Prince Tuesday comes to be Daniel’s babysitter. As Daniel gets ready for bed, he misses his Mom and Dad. But Prince Tuesday reminds him that his parents will be back soon. When Tigey goes missing right before bedtime, Daniel learns what a grr-ific babysitter Prince Tuesday is. And his trust continues to build when he sees that his parents do come back, just as they promised.

Daniel Goes to School

Daniel joins his friends Prince Wednesday, Katerina Kittycat, O the Owl and Miss Elaina at school, but doesn’t want his Dad to leave, until Dad Tiger reminds him that ‘grownups come back.’ Miss Elaina is missing her mom and has lost her special locket with her mom’s picture in it. The children help Miss Elaina find her locket. Before long the school day is over and, just as promised, the grownups come back to take their children home.

Prince Wednesday Finds a Way to Play

Friends Daniel and Katerina Kittycat are playing “house” today at school. Prince Wednesday wants to play too, but he wants to be a loud dinosaur. Katerina tells him that loud dinosaurs are not allowed! He’ll wake the baby! The friends work on finding a way to play together, and Prince Wednesday joins in by pretending to be a quiet, friendly dinosaur.

Finding a Way to Play on Backwards Day

Friends Daniel and O the Owl are at Miss Elaina’s house in the Museum-Go-Round today. She’s very excited because she has planned a special “backwards day.” But O isn’t excited about this backward play – in fact he’s quite uncomfortable about so many backward things. With the help of Miss Elaina’s father, Music Man Stan, the friends find a way to play together.

Daniel Waits for Show and Tell

Daniel is so excited to share a book he made with his class at “show and tell,” but he’s finding it very difficult to wait. He finds that doing something, like singing on Trolley, playing during science time and imagining make the waiting much easier!

A Night Out at the Restaurant

Daniel and his family are going out to dinner, and Katerina is coming too. Daniel and Katerina have a hard time waiting at the restaurant, but soon learn ways to make the waiting time easier…and even fun!

The Dragon Dance

Today in school, all of the kids are working together to create one big art project: a dancing dragon. Everyone is eager to make the dragon dance, but they learn that cooperation is necessary before the big project can be complete!

Teacher Harriet’s Birthday

Today is Teacher Harriet’s birthday! Mom Tiger helps the kids surprise Teacher Harriet by decorating the classroom with streamers and making a birthday present while she is gone. The kids learn that cooperation is necessary to complete this big project!


In addition to featuring the following six fun-filled learning adventures, the DVD also includes special features – coloring pages and activities.

Sharing the Rocketship

Caillou and Leo come to realize the true meaning of “sharing” when they purchase a toy rocket ship together.

Coach Grandpa

When Grandpa takes on the job of soccer coach, Caillou comes to realize his grandpa is proud of him – no matter what!

The Safety Helper

Caillou learns he doesn’t need a badge in order to help others when he takes on the role of preschool “safety helper.”

No Tradebacks!

Caillou learns to stick to his word after hurting a friend’s feelings over a toy “trade.”

Shoe Story

Caillou realizes new isn’t always better after coveting a pair of snazzy light-up sneakers.

Rollie Racers

Caillou realizes how great it can be to spend time with family, instead of spending all his time playing with “Rollie Racer” toys

THE ROCK FATHER is a PBS KIDS VIP (Very Involved Parent), and works with PBS regularly to bring families the latest in great PBS KIDS news and content.
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