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31 Days of Halloween: A Live-Action PJ Masks Movie… (playing dress-up)

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Get ready for a PJ MASKS Halloween!

“It had been a night not unlike any other… a band of brave heroes, heading out into the darkness ready to face off against fiendish villains to stop them from messing with your day. Indeed, while millions enjoyed a night full of restful sleep, three children would once again be responsible for saving the day… proving definitively that night time is the right time to fight crime. Amaya becomes Owlette… Connor becomes Catboy… and Greg becomes Gekko… the colorful trio known as the PJ MASKS hitting the streets in search of adventure, while serving-up swift justice to wrongdoers. After leaving HQ and discovering that Night Ninja had gone missing, the PJ Masks would soon find that their biggest foe, that marvel of mechanical mischief, Romeo, had completed his most impressive creation yet, the Growy Uppy Machine – a tool able to turn any child into an adult for a small bit of time. Slowed by Luna Girl’s sinister Moths, Gekko and Catboy had their hands full, leaving Owlette to face Romeo alone, after he had tested the Growy Uppy Machine… on himself!”

I like to think that when the kids play PJ Masks, they’re imagining themselves as the stars of their very own live-action movie… a PJ MASKS: THE MOVIE that’s created entirely on-the-fly…

PJ Masks: The Movie - Owlette
Finley as “Owlette” in her own movie poster – or “Character One-Sheet”

Imagination is a powerful thing, and playing dress-up is a way for kids to fully inhabit some of their favorite characters, whether it be ones that they’re familiar with from television and film, or those that they’ve completely created on their own. In a lot of ways, Halloween is the testing ground, a season that allows for the experimentation in expression, and a time when an influx of readily-available costumes and accessories can help fill the dress-up closet or bin for the year to come. This year, the folks at Disguise (a division of toymaker JAKKS Pacific) are helping kids step into a role that many have been craving since last Halloween – that of the PJ Masks. When the series from eOne and Frog Box made its debut on Disney Junior last fall, parents were unprepared for how quickly kids would embrace it, and for the past year, role-play has been a big part of that – even without costumes. Now, kids can have the full experience, with our heroes – Catboy, Gekko and Owlette – available as both regular and deluxe costumes from Disguise, and the villainsRomeo, Luna Girl and Night Ninja – available in child-size costumes by Disguise, exclusively at Spirit Halloween this season.

Addie as Luna Girl

Here at Rock Father HQ, The Rock Daughters have been facing-off as Owlette (Finley) and Luna Girl (Addie), with yours truly having crafted my own “grown-up” version of Romeo. 

PJ Masks: The Movie - Romeo

Thing is, even as adversaries, the kids can’t help becoming friendly with one another, even in times of battle… because that’s what sisters do!

pjmasksbattle pjmasksfriends

If your little ones are as into PJ Masks as ours are, don’t wait to get your hands on their favorite PJ Masks Halloween Costumes this season. As a PJ Masks Ambassador, I was fortunate to get the hook-up early-on, but word is that some styles are already going on back-order and getting hard to find in some markets. Additionally, you can get a whole bunch of FREE PRINTABLES from the just-launched Halloween section of the PJ Masks Grownups website! From decorations to recipes, DIY accessories to crafts, there’s a lot of fun to be had!


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