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Preview: LULLABY VERSIONS of NINE INCH NAILS – listen to “Closer” now!

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“You Let Me Violate You… You Let Me Desecrate You…” I never really thought of it this way before, but those words could describe being pooped on… or peed on, something I’ve experienced numerous times in my four-year career as The Rock Father. Actually, there’s nothing quite like being woken up in the middle of the night surrounded by an ocean of pee (I hear there’s some German videos where people really dig that) from a three-year-old that managed to sneak into the bed undetected and let loose. Alas, the crew at Roma Music Group has announced LULLABY VERSIONS OF NINE INCH NAILS for a July 30 release date, and today they’ve launched pre-orders. If you snag it on iTunes, you’ll get “Closer” right away… and hey! You can stream the track below…


TTLRS-Nine-Inch-NailsLullaby Versions of Nine Inch Nails Tracklisting:
1. Closer
2. Hurt
3. Head Like a Hole
4. The Hand That Feeds
5. Every Day is Exactly the Same
6. The Perfect Drug
7. Only
8. Terrible Lie
9. Something I Could Never Have
10. Down in It
11. The Day the World Went Away
12. We’re in This Together
13. Wish

{source}http://linkmaker.itunes.apple.com/htmlResources/assets/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-lrg.png) no-repeat;width:110px;height:40px;@media only screen{background-image:url(http://linkmaker.itunes.apple.com/htmlResources/assets/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-lrg.svg);}”>{/source}

BONUS! How about this classic from SLAM BAMBOO, featuring a pre-NIN TRENT REZNOR rockin’ the keyboards… probably a little bit harder than he should’ve been for this track.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star boasts a library of over 120 rockin’ lullabies, including titles from PEARL JAM, GREEN DAY, DEFTONES, THE WHITE STRIPES, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, and more. Check ’em out on their official site.

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