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When it comes to adding a little freshness to the front of your home, one quick way to do the trick is by adding some new plants.
But beyond the plants themselves, one way to really take things to a new level is by updating the planters that hold them. Aside from potentially being out of style, older planters can show their age, and not in a trendy “distressed” sorta way.
While they’re known for creating awesome toys, the folks at The Step2 Company also have a fantastic line of Home & Patio products that I’ve always been a big fan of — going back to my days as a Step2 Ambassador a decade or so ago.
Did you know that they make beautiful planters?
We recently added a pair of Bridgeview Tall Outdoor Planters to our front porch. These sophisticated planters come in multiple colors, and we chose black to accent our decor.

Each square planter measures 16.84″ x 16.84″ and stands 26″ tall. They can be used as self-watering planters or they have included drill points for drainage. The color is built into the double-walled resin construction for a finish that will never fade or chip.

In just under an hour, I was able to add a splash of fresh color to our space — and you can too!
Simply fill the planter with a lightweight material to support drainage (I like perlite) followed by a quality potting mix. I prefer Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix as I’ve been using it for years with great results. Once the planters are filled to your desired height, it’s time to plant!

In this case, I went with a pair of Drop-N-Decorate — ready-made arrangements that are sold at Home Depot. After placing your flowers, simply fill in the space with additional potting mix, compact it, water, and you’re done!
The biggest challenge? Deciding where to place the finished planters — flanking the front door (which looks great — see above) or as an accent near our seating nook.
Did you like this project? Get started on your own and save 15% on Step2 planters! Use code PLANTERS415 to get started at Good through July 31, 2023.