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Refrigerated Trailer Sector: How this Industry Affects You (and Your Food)!

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Refrigerated trailer gaskets are used inside trailers to prevent the leakage of cold air from the trailer. They are installed at the periphery of trailer body doors and vents. The global refrigerated trailer market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% from 2016 to 2022. Additionally, according to a new research report by Persistence Market Research, the entire industry is expected to reach a market value of over $30 million by the end of 2025. 

The research report explored every aspect of the global refrigerated trailer market and highlighted the fact that high demand for frozen foods and perishable goods is driving the growth of the market. When transporting perishable food, a combination of insulated packaging and dry ice will preserve food for 24 to 48 hours

Many of these trailers — and their towing trucks — are manufactured from recycled metal. Currently, about 40% of steel production across the globe is made with recycled metal. According to Truck News, truck and trailer orders could soon suffer, however, due to uncertainty stemming from the trade war with China and other political issues. 

“When you’re a business decision-maker trying to decide, ‘What should I be doing?’ when that uncertainty enters, you say ‘I’m not doing anything,'” said Eric Starks, CEO of FTR. “The market continues to be relatively healthy. We are seeing a normalization within the market.” 

October will be a crucial month for the market as a whole since truck inventories are currently high, meaning retail sales all need to continue to gain steam in order to prevent unhealthy inventory for dealers. 

What’s more, drivers need to focus more on safety and keeping their hauls securely inside their trailers and not all over the road. Each year, approximately 16,000 chemical spills occur from trucks, trains, and storage tanks, often when materials are being transferred. Here are some of the most notable trailer accidents that result in products dumping out of their trailers: 

  • Bell Peppers: Crates of bell peppers covered the Interstate 10 median near Milton, Florida, after a truck driver lost control of his vehicle. WKRG reports the driver said a steering malfunction caused him to veer into the median, overturn, and spill his cargo. 

  • Beer: A truck transporting Budweiser products completely overturned in Mariposa, California. 

  • Milk: Hundreds of gallons of milk mixed with about 100 gallons of diesel fuel spilled all over the New York State Thruway in Plattekill, New York, after a Mack truck swerved to avoid another vehicle and subsequently rolled down a center embankment before overturning. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation responded to the scene to clean up all the fuel and milk spillage. 

  • Potatoes: “There are no injuries, but potatoes everywhere.” — That’s what was tweeted by the Hillsboro Police Department after a truck carrying lots and lots of potatoes spilled its contents across the roadway. The potato roadway incident occurred on Highway 26 in Oregon. 

This industry might not seem like it affects everyone, but it truly does. From potatoes to medical equipment, all sorts of products are carried inside these trailers and the market needs to continue to do well.

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