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DEEP SEA DIVERWhen Seattle was being hailed as the hotbed of the “Grunge” movement (amongst other fine rock) 20-ish years ago, I doubt that anyone involved could’ve predicted that “the next big thing” (as everyone just loves to say) would end up being kids and family music. But it is. In fact, there’s even this thing called “The Kindiependent Collective” – a rogues gallery of rockers including The Not-Its!, Caspar Babypants, Johnny Bregar, The Board of Education, The Harmonica Pocket, and perhaps the most prolific of the bunch… RECESS MONKEY. Together, these artists are a lot like THE JUSTICE LEAGUE, but individually they have some epic adventures as well. For RECESS MONKEY, their latest voyage takes them to new depths… like Aquaman, but without the fishy smell or green pants.

DEEP SEA DIVER is the ninth studio album from RECESS MONKEY since 2006. While nine albums in seven years would be an impressive feat for any artist, it’s exceptional when you consider that this band is made up of three school teachers that have a penchant for concept albums that each carry a unified theme.

The cockpit of the Tambourine Submarine looks a bit like the Millenium Falcon, doesn’t it?

Their self-produced “Blue Album” finds the band piloting a “mean green rhythm machine” – a “Tambourine Submarine” – that’s nuclear reactor is actually a disco ball, as they explore the “Choral Reef” and run into the occasional “Seagull” or “Seahorse” while “Making Waves.” Along for the ride are Johnny Bregar (who recorded the album and guests on a couple of tracks), recent Grammy Winner Dean Jones (guesting on “Walkie Talkies” and “The Deep End”), 200 Monkeynauts and more. Dig it.

Stream the entire DEEP SEA DIVER album in the Bandcamp Player below:

DEEP SEA DIVER is one of those albums that just seems to get a little better with each subsequent listen, and while it hasn’t dethroned my current favorite Kindie Rock album of 2013 (from another Seattle band), it certainly gives it a run for it’s proverbial money… and makes me wonder if RECESS MONKEY ran into THE OCTONAUTS, the GUNGANS, or any of the folks from SEALAB 2021 while they were down there.

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The Rock Father Rating: 4/5 Stars

FTC Disclosure: A copy of this album was provided to The Rock Father for the purpose of review consideration. Incredible, an album provided to a reviewer for the purpose of review… just as it’s been since the beginning of the commercial music industry and entertainment media in the mid-20th Century… but we’ve now reached the point where common sense must be disclosed. All opinions are that of James Zahn with possible influence from his children. The Rock Father never accepts cash in exchange for a review. Not how he rolls. Now throw up those metal horns and go read another article! \m/ \m/

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