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Rides: Rocking the Commute as a Contigo Road Warrior…

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Not long ago, the folks at Contigo approached me about joining them as a “Road Warrior.” While I’m just as much a fan of MAD MAX 2 as the next guy, this had nothing to do with zipping across a post-apocalyptic landscape in a highly-modified vehicle while rolling with the whole “One Man Can Make A Difference” motif. What it did have to do with is the type of Road Warrior that I really am: A Father of two, rockin’ a Military Camouflage diaper bag while driving my little ones to and from preschool, gymnastics, swimming, and then onto all of our other daily adventures. It might not be glamorous, but it can be a battle – and I always have a drink along for the ride.

The Contigo Collection at Rock Father HQ

Addie rockin' the Contigo StrikerI have three usual drinks of choice: Black Coffee; Diet Mountain Dew; and Water. There are exceptions at times, but those are the Big Three. Until earlier this year, I could usually be found sloshing around with a $2.99 plastic coffee mug that was supposed to be “spill-proof,” but was anything but. Then I got on-board with Contigo and their AUTOSPOUT® and AUTOSEAL® technology, and it was like a whole new world opened up. It might sound silly, but it’s true. Mugs that actually keep your hots hot and your colds cold – just as advertised. Being able to push a stroller without the risk of hot coffee splashing from the top of the mug. Certain things really do make life easier, and the mugs and bottles from Contigo can be counted among them. I have an assortment: the Randolph; West Loop; Addison; and Madison. If those names sound very familiar, they should. Contigo is a local business based right here in Chicago. And for kids? They’ve got a kids’ line, including what Addie has – the STRIKER. It’s a fantastic water bottle for kids that are beyond the “sippy cup,” and so good that I’m buying a second one for little Finley.

Want your own Contigo products a great deal? Rock Father readers can Save 20% by using Code COMMUTERPROMO at checkout at GoContigo.com!

The many travels with Contigo...

So what about this Commute?

I’m an at-home Dad, so my “commute” is a little different from most, including my wife. She works a “normal” gig outside of the home, and spends nearly two hours on the road each day. Like me, she, too has fuel for the road, and her beverage of choice is generally water, or iced coffee. What kind of commuter are you? Contigo put together an infographic that offers some cool statistics, and a lot of insight into how America commutes:

Contigo Commuter Infographic

Do you commute? What’s your beverage of choice? We can all be Road Warriors, even if our lives run a bit differently.

For more from Contigo, connect with them on Twitter or Facebook.

Bonus: Stay tuned to The Rock Father for your chance to WIN a variety of Contigo products at some point in July!


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