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Rock Father’s Day 2014: Artist Spotlight – Shaun Glass of THE BLOODLINE and BROKEN HOPE #RockFathersDay

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“I think I was in our bathroom and the wife said ‘IT’S POSITIVE!,'” recalls Shaun Glass of THE BLOODLINE and BROKEN HOPE while discussing the moment he realized he’d soon become a father for the very first time. “I just was overwhelmed and couldn’t believe it! It hit me the next morning, lying In bed thinking, ‘Wow I’m going to be a father,'” he continues, thinking about his earliest days as a “Rock Father,” ahead of #RockFathersDay 2014 as he prepares the next moves in his lengthy musical career, with one album by BROKEN HOPE just-released, and another from THE BLOODLINE in production now…



Shaun Glass and MadduxQuick Profile:

NAME: Shaun Glass

Offspring: Son, Maddux, 17-months

Musical History (in his own words): I’ve been in bands since my teens. TERMINAL DEATH was my first band, then I co-founded SINDROME, then joined BROKEN HOPE, then co-founded SOIL, then formed DIRGE WITHIN, and most recently co-founded THE BLOODLINE.

Current Projects and Upcoming Releases (in his own words): Just released a new album from the re-launched version of BROKEN HOPE via Century Media Records titled OMEN OF DISEASE. It is very much aimed at those who love their metal as extreme and brutal as it can be. I’m also now in the studio just starting the sessions for the debut release of THE BLOODLINE which is aimed for a late fall release. I think it has some really addictive songs with huge hooks and melodies. The songs are some of the best I have ever taken part in writing.

Watch: BROKEN HOPE in “The Flesh Mechanic” (NOT KID-FRIENDLY!)


Shaun GlassTHE ROCK FATHER: I don’t recall when I first met Shaun, but we’d crossed paths many times over the years, and I’d seen his bands play live from time-to-time. Fast-forward to 2012, and he invited me to create the lyric video for the DIRGE WITHIN track “For My Enemies,” which led to an introduction to one of my all-time favorite bands, FEAR FACTORY (and more work). In addition to his own creative endeavors like THE BLOODLINE, Shaun also works with other bands on the management and development side, and together we’re working with PRODUCT OF HATE. But first, we’re both Dads, and we talk a lot about our kids…

JAMES (THE ROCK FATHER): With so many projects and your touring schedule, was there ever any concern that you wouldn’t be able to balance your family life with your musical life?

SHAUN: Always, and it takes even more work & discipline to juggle but you gotta be a team and still be who you are. You are who you are for a reason, and your child will learn that as they grow with you.

JAMES: What kind of exposure has Maddux had to your creative works?

SHAUN: Maddux is still very young but he knows for sure when I am practicing my guitar or just noodling around, as he loves to run up and turn the amp on-and-off. He also likes to pluck on the strings if I leave an instrument out.

JAMES: Has being a parent changed your creative output or the way you view your musical life?

SHAUN: In some ways yes, because I do have less hours in the day to create – but I’ve also noticed that when I do, the creative juices are flowing non-stop so I guess in some weird way it works. As far as my view on life, not totally – but I’ve never been the guy out at the bar all week or watching sports, drinking, etc., so I guess that sort of thing wasn’t really ever in my world so much.

“Patience! Love is strong, as even when the baby is in their worst mood, you still realize that it’s your child that you created and are responsible for. And, of course Pride is key factor. Every week they do things showing their development and it really makes you proud.”Shaun Glass
JAMES: How have you introduced music to Maddux?

SHAUN: He hears me playing at home, or there’s the kids music CDs that we play for him. I’m not forcing him to hear SLAYER, ha! If he wants to like metal when he’s older, that’s his decision, not mine. No one should force sports, music, etc., onto a child as they will develop into who THEY are.

JAMES: What’s the most “rock and roll” thing you’ve ever done with him so far?

SHAUN: Really nothing yet, but when I feel it’s time for him to see me on stage that will be special in so many ways.

JAMES: The toy question. We’re big on toys here at ROCK FATHER HQ, so what are some favorites at Glass HQ? 

SHAUN: Maddux loves his LEGOS and his little walker, aka “Reign of Terror Machine,” as I’ve dubbed it. It’s great with helping him walk, but he also chases our 5 year-old golden doodle ACE around!

The Bloodline
Pictured Above – THE BLOODLINE L to R: Chuck Wepfer – Lead Guitar, Travis Neal – Vocals, Frankie Harchut – Drums, Shaun Glass – Guitar
Shaun is currently in the studio working on the debut full-length from THE BLOODLINE with a Fall 2014 release planned. For new music and studio updates, check out THE BLOODLINE on Facebook.


Check out some of Shaun’s Music on Amazon



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