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Buyer’s Remorse: Samsung Activewash Washer & Dryer

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Writing about consumer products is a large part of what I do here at THE ROCK FATHER™ Magazine. My opinions are always 100% honest and straightforward, and when something isn’t right – I let people know about it. Whether I receive free product for review or pay for it myself, the standards are the same because bad products hurt consumers. I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of, and I’m certainly not going to put up with that myself. American families work hard for their money, and my wife and I are a prime example of that. What’s very concerning is how short a lifespan many of our high-dollar purchases have, and frankly, I’m tired of being fleeced. Today I’m going to tell you about the worst purchase I’ve made in the last year or so – a heavily-advertised (remember those commercials with Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell?) Samsung Activewash Washer and Dryer Pair from Best Buy. Our “new” washer and dryer are essentially junk – products whose performance has defeated the reason they were purchased in the first place. It started with that infamous Samsung recall…

I bought the washer and dryer on August 7, 2016. We also paid for accessories, delivery and installation which took place on August 12. Then, in November of 2016, our three-month-old washer was included in the voluntary recall announced by Samsung and the CPSC. This was the one that had reports of the tops of washers going flying off and in some cases having violent results. Here’s what Samsung said at the time:

“The voluntary action was driven by reports highlighting the risk that the drums in these washers may lose balance, triggering excessive vibrations, resulting in the top separating from the washer. This can occur when a high-speed spin cycle is used for bedding, water-resistant or bulky items and presents an injury risk to consumers.”

We opted for the in-home repair, and that was a mistake. Samsung sent a guy out in January (since the recall covered washers made from 2011-2016, there was a backlog), and he did something to the inside of the machine, but also added warnings that essentially for large loads (including bedding), you have to use a delicate setting, with the idea that slowing down the spin would make it more stable. We specifically purchased this combo because it was touted as being efficient and able to accept a large load. We shouldn’t have to take a blanket to a laundromat, but our washer has been worse since the “fix.” Without even maxing out the load, it goes off-balance all the time, and a slower spin equals less-efficient drying, which then impacts the performance of the dryer itself.

As for the dryer, it’s been ok (hardly outstanding, but passable) for a year… but now we’re at 13 months – just one month after parts and labor went out-of-warranty – and this thing sounds like it has a flat tire. The video below is an example (taken tonight), but it doesn’t represent just how LOUD this thing can be. It sounds like it’s dying…

To add insult to injury, we’re still paying on these (good financing through Best Buy), but I don’t want ’em. My wife has an even harsher opinion, and curses them every time she does a load of laundry. Samsung did extend the warranty on the washer for a year after their half-assed “fix,” but if I’m presented with a repair bill for this dryer (I’m awaiting a support response), I’m done with Samsung. 

Samsung Activewash

In my opinion, all major appliances should be guaranteed for at least three years. But, that might make the “replacement plan” scam an even harder sell for retailers, and that’s where they make up a lot of margin – so I get that. This is one instance where such a plan could’ve been worth it, but I stand behind the fact that appliances should last more than a year without being headed for the recycling pile.

With a few more appliance purchases on-deck for the future (aside from our dishwasher – also Samsung – we’re due for a new oven and fridge), I’m going to be far more cautious with where our money is spent.

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