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The Simplest Peppermint Mocha Recipe to Make at Home (and more)!

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THE ROCK FATHER is a Folgers Preferred Partner…

When it comes to seasonal beverages, fall and winter tend to be my favorites, and coffee leads the charge. For the latter, nothing beats the warmth of a “Peppermint Mocha” during the holiday season, yet how exactly to make one is something of a debate. There’s no shortage of recipes available for coffee drinks that have a dash of mint and chocolate, but most of them tend to be time-consuming, sometimes messy, and generally more complicated than they need to be. So what do I deem to be the Rock Father-approved way to bring a Christmas coffeehouse classic home for the holidays? After some trial and error in the kitchen here at Rock Father HQ, I’m going to share with you my recipe for the The Simplest Peppermint Mocha Recipe to Make at Home, and it starts with Folgers Coffeehouse Blend

So you want a great-tasting Peppermint Mocha that’s not only simple, but also quick and easy? 

What you need:

The key to the simplicity of this drink is the Mint Chocolate candy. You’re getting the “peppermint” and the “mocha” in one shot, and that’s the beauty of this. Being from Chicago, I have a particular affection for the regular, Frango Mint Chocolates that I grew up with as a staple of the late Marshall Field’s. They’re currently sold at Macy’s, and they’re what I use for this – but just about any pure mint chocolate will work, as will baking chips. Setting my iCoffee or Keurig to 12oz, I place 3-4 mint chocolates directly into my mug, and let the hot coffee pour right over them (if you’re using baking chips, up the quantity). By the time the full cup is brewed, they’re almost entirely melted, but I stir them up good to make it nice and smooth.

Folgers Peppermint Mocha

Simply top with whipped cream, a drizzle of sundae syrup and a dusting of peppermint chunks and that’s it! This takes just slightly longer than brewing a normal cup of coffee, and it’s easily adjustable to individual tastes – simply add or subtract mint chocolate based on the size of the brew. My wife’s reaction said it all for me: “This is fantastic.”

Folgers Peppermint Mocha

Simple. Fast. Great taste. I’ve done the experimentation, and this is what I’m drinking and serving up here at HQ. I dig it, and think you will, too!

If you’re feeling adventurous, my friends at Folgers have an incredible collection of recipes for drinks, desserts and entrees available that you can try at home. There’s even a sub-section featuring Holiday Drinks that are certain to impress your guests, from Holiday Eggnog Coffee to Chocolate Mint Cappuccino and beyond! Learn more at FolgersCoffee.com

Want more fun with Folgers? Check out more Rock Father adventures with Coffee & Rock.

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