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Tina Fey & Amy Poehler: Queens of Comedy (+ SISTERS Blu-ray Giveaway)

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Tina Fey and Amy Poehler may not be blood-born sisters but they do have an unbreakable bond, and their recent film, SISTERS, shows just that. With the film coming home on Blu-ray and DVD March 15th, Universal Studios Home Entertainment and THE ROCK FATHER Magazine have teamed-up to give readers a shot at winning SISTERS on Blu-ray Combo Pack, all while celebrating these “Queen Bees of Comedy” by taking a quick look back at some of their most iconic collaborations on the big screen, and the small one!


Saturday Night Live – 2001-2006

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin with Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton on SNL

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE saw the beginning of the duo’s success by entertaining millions of viewers with their hilarious and captivating sketches. From being the first two women to host the Weekend Update, to putting their personal stamp on the Political hijinks of both Sarah Palin and current Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, their presence was important, and left audiences wanting more.

Mean Girls – 2004

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in MEAN GIRLS

MEAN GIRLS was Fey’s breakthrough, showing off not only her skill as a screenwriter, but also her acting chops as she took on the role of Ms. Norbury. Fey could not leave Poehler out, writing her in as Regina George’s not-regular-but-cool mom. 

Baby Mama – 2008

Tina Fey & Amy Poehler in BABY MAMA

In 2008, the duo returned to the big screen,  stepping into the spotlight as co-stars of BABY MAMA. Fey starred as Kate “the successful businesswoman,” with Poehler as Angie “the trailer trash surrogate.” Playing polar opposites didn’t stop these two in realizing they were more alike than they thought.

Golden Globes – 2013-2015

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler - GOLDEN GLOBES

Fey and Poehler did such a great job hosting THE GOLDEN GLOBES in 2013, The Hollywood Foreign Press invited them back for two more rounds, effectively completing the Fey/Poehler GOLDEN GLOBES Trilogy.

Anchorman 2 “Epic Fight Scene” – 2013

Tina Fey & Amy Poehler

These two couldn’t leave all the fighting to the boys as they made an appearance in one of the most outrageous fight scenes the big screen has seen in ANCHORMAN 2. Arriving to the fight in a fire painted four-wheeler, they played entertainment reporters eager to join the carnage.

Sisters – 2015

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in SISTERS

Fey & Poehler reunite in SISTERS, finally taking on the roles of …SISTERS! These mismatched siblings turn things up in their childhood home after discovering that their retired parents have sold the house. No better way to say goodbye to the past than throwing one last epic party.


Enter to Win SISTERS on Blu-ray Combo Pack:

Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Leave a Disqus comment on this post that shares your answer to the following: 

QUESTION: What is your favorite Tina Fey & Amy Poehler collaboration?

After that, you can complete social actions for additional, completely optional entries. Please Note: By entering giveaways on The Rock Father, you agree to comply with my fairness policy. 

Twitter “Egg” Accounts are ineligible for entry and WILL BE BLOCKED.
(If you need information regarding Twitter Eggs, Google is your friend.)
Also, please note that we’re trying something different, eliminating daily tweets as optional entries.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639fd407/” rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”b00639fd407″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_kp8poiik”>a Rafflecopter giveaway“>https://widget-prime.rafflecopter.com/launch.js”>

The Fine Print: 

Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen on, about, or after March 27, 2016, and will be notified via email to confirm. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Prize provided and shipped by Universal Studios Home Entertainment

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing (seriously, probably not that long), The Rock Father is not responsible for any lost or misdirected packages. In the rare occasion that a prize does not arrive (which, sadly, has happened), you have no remedy other than moving on.

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Edward Stratton III
Edward Stratton IIIhttps://www.therockfather.com
Contributor, The Rock Father Magazine. Interests include business and lifestyle, music, and more. Model railroad enthusiast.

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