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Stars and Stripes Forever: USPS Launches New Flag Stamps


The Postal Service has unveiled four new stamps celebrating the red, white, and blue. Each stamp features the American flag, “Old Glory,” fluttering against the sky at different times of the day. Despite changing clouds and colors, the sun always shines on the flag from a low-angle perspective.

The flag’s design, dating back to June 14, 1777, originally featured 13 stripes and stars for the original colonies. The Flag Act of 1818 standardized 13 stripes and added a star for each new state. Since then, the flag has had 27 versions, with the current 50-star design established in 1960 after Hawaii joined the Union.

Designed by Ethel Kessler with illustrations by Laura Stutzman, these Forever stamps will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce price. They are available in various formats, including booklets, panes, and coils.

Get yours at the USPS online store!

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