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The Definitive White Paper: STAR WARS – When to Expose Your Kids to The Force…


This article is more than 12 years old and may not have been updated since our last site redesign. It may contain outdated information or could be missing images.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my favorite fellow Dad Bloggers sent up the Bat Signal for a project related to STAR WARS. Before I could fire back an email (“The first transport is away…”), the wheels were in motion for what would become quite possibly The Definitive Internet White Paper on When to Expose Your Kids to STAR WARS. Sam over at DorkDaddy.com (a site considered Rock Father-approved) had gone all Danny Ocean on us, pulling together a crew of 19 Dad Bloggers to throw down some virtual ink on one of parenting’s most important issues.

Indeed, The Rock Father has a long history with STAR WARS, so it was an honor to take part in this white paper. CLICK HERE to read the entire thing (which also includes STAR WARS Vs. STAR TREK).

“So who are these guys and who made them the authority on STAR WARS?” you ask? 

19 Dad Bloggers. And while I can’t speak for all of them, I AM an authority on STAR WARS.

Why are you still here? Go read the article! Your kids’ future depends on it! 

With the 30th Anniversary of RETURN OF THE JEDI on the way, you can bet there will be more tales to be told…

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