THE ROCK FATHER Magazine has partnered with Tide and Life of Dad to celebrate the #Stainmaker in your life.
As I write this, it’s the height of “Award Season” in the entertainment world, and having worked in that realm before, I can’t avoid thinking about how the season might equate to life at home, as a parent. Surely there could be trophies dished-out for just about everything, from “Best Daily Performance of a Theme Song from an Animated Motion Picture that You’ve Heard 4,000 times,” to “Best Original Song About a Wrestler” (our three-year-old wrote one), to “Best Bedtime Stall Tactic,” “Best Dramatic Performance at a Kitchen Table (Breakfast or Dinner),” and even “Best Performance by a Stainmaker.” Ah yes, that later category is a real wild card… one in which the race to even become a nominee is a battle fought valiantly with an arsenal of colorful armaments.
Every home has a “Stain Maker,” and in this one there’s two – The Rock Daughters™, Addie and Finn. And, oh, what performances they turn in. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, they come back with a sequel that just delivers all the excitement of the previous installment, with new surprises that only a child could come up with.
And kids come up with some good ones…
Slide – When one little girl takes a dive toward home plate, victory is uncertain, but a baseball uniform is guaranteed to be dirt-coated from head-to-toe!
Back Seat Chocolat – A deliciously delightful tale of a kid in a car seat with a chocolate bar that couldn’t stand the heat.
The Emerald Ice – A glowing, green ice sword proves irresistible to a young child who soon learns that speed is the key to avoid getting slimed.
January Jelly Explosion – An elementary school student discovers a sweet surprise lurking between two pieces of bread. Things don’t go as planned, and a lunchtime spill wreaks havoc on a brand-new t-shirt.
Afternoon Abstract – When two young artists set-out to make a museum-worthy piece, they soon realize that clothing can make for a far more compelling cavas.

That last one just happened. It’s not fiction, but a truth… a documentary highlight reel in the program called “life.” How is it that two kids can get more chalk and crayon on themselves than on the easel? But it happens, and we just can’t be mad about it, nor would I wish to stifle creativity (within reason, of course). Did you know that chalk dust on your hands can be rubbed onto other surfaces for a truly one-of-a-kind look? It’s true.

While our girls can easily manage to soil multiple outfits within the course of one very creative and fun afternoon, luckily there’s Tide Original Scent Liquid Laundry Detergent, which can help Mom and Dad power through those artistically-accentuated stains with ease.

This season, celebrate the #Stainmaker in your home. Admire their work, and then wipe the canvas clean with Tide.