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Throwing a Party for Your Employees? Here Are 6 Tips to Plan the Bash of the Year


When it comes to hosting a party for your employees, there are several things you can do to make it an epic event. These parties may be something that you’ve done in the past or you may be looking to reward these individuals for a job well done. Below is a list of tips to help you plan the party and make it a success.

1. Secure Rental Equipment

If you’re planning to have the event in the office, in a space that is large enough to hold your employees, you will need to secure some rental equipment, like chairs and tables, to ensure there is enough seating for everyone in this space. While you might have some of these items, you may need to reach out to a rental company for the rest, especially if you don’t have the funds to purchase them and somewhere to store them. If you need things like a rental tent, linens, chairs, and tables, you want to rent them from the same company so you only have to make one contact.

2. Bring Entertainment

Make sure there is something available for your employees to watch and enjoy while they’re at the party. With technology being full of options, you can have music in the background and show videos in the background until the main event. You could opt for live entertainment, like musicians, a magician, or comedians for a private show. While there will be at least one speaker at your party, you want to balance that out with something enjoyable.

3. Maintain The Temperature

When you host a party for your employees, it is important to keep it comfortable, especially if you are having it outdoors, or in a large garage-like area where it can get chilly. This is when space heaters are a great addition to any party and should be on standby whenever you need to plug them in. Space heaters add immediate heat to small spaces such as 130-150 square-foot areas. If you have a room larger than that, you may need additional space heaters.

4. Embrace Flowers

One of the best ways to improve the look of your party and make it inviting is to have flowers around on the tables and decorate the space. If you aren’t sure where to get flowers, reach out to your local florist. There are approximately 32,370 floral businesses across the country. The presence of these beautiful floral arrangements shows that you’re willing to put money into your employees and want them comfortable while attending the party.

5. Make Sure Everyone Is Invited

When invites and notifications go out for this party, you need to make sure that everyone gets it and no one’s left out. This can cause hurt feelings and some animosity towards the party. It is a good idea to send out a general email to all staff members about the party, and also have fliers posted in break rooms where they will see the information. If you want an RSVP from your employees, keep an eye on who hasn’t responded, and maybe reach out to them to make sure they are aware and if they plan to attend.

6. Allow Casual Dress

This last point is really important, and that is to allow casual dress for the party. While you can make a small theme, requiring a certain dress code or costumes could keep some of your employees from attending and having a good time. With casual dress, everyone will feel invited and you will have more folks attending the party. Casual dress includes jeans, sneakers, and anything where they are comfortable.

While you will need to do more than these six things, these tips will help you move your party to the next level. You want to make your employees feel respected and have them attend. These ways will make it appealing to them and have them looking forward to the event.

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