It’s the beginning of summer and you decide that it’s time to take The Great American Road Trip. After setting your sights on a cross-country trip from Chicago to California, you head on over to Lou Glutz Motors to pick up the special-ordered Antarctic Blue Super Sports Wagon with the CB and the optional Rally Fun Pack — the car that the entire family has been waiting for. Instead, you’re presented with the all-new Wagon Queen Family Truckster in Metallic Pea. It’s not what you ordered – not even the same model – but Lou’s got a few of ’em on the lot, and with a trip to Cali happening in the morning, you settle. At least, that’s what Clark W. Griswold (Chevy Chase) did in 1983’s NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION, and in 2016, thanks to the folks at Greenlight Collectibles, you can bring the Family Truckster home.
With “star cars” and “pop culture” rides dominating my personal interests when it comes to collecting diecast, one of the top rides on my wishlist has long-been the Family Truckster. Having missed out on the Keepsake Ornament version that Hallmark released last year (complete with Granny on top), I thought there might not soon be a Truckster in my collection, but along came Greenlight, answering the call with a new addition to their excellent Greenlight Hollywood series, both in my preferred 1:64-scale, and in 1:43. As you can see in the pictures, it’s a great-looking replica, with fantastic detail, real rubber tires, proper chrome hubcabs, a beefy stack of four dual headlights (eight in all), a tan interior and the best in 1983 faux-woodgrain that I assure you looks nothing like a 1979 Ford LTD Country Squire Wagon.

*Giant Child Not Included.
Variant Editions: So far there’s several versions of the 1:64-scale Wagon Queen Family Truckster available, but you’ll have to hunt for them if variants are your thing. Greenlight Hollywood Series 12 is said to have been the first release, with no luggage present on the roof. The Series 13 version (which I have) added luggage, and there’s also a highly-limited “Green Machine” edition (a “chase” car with chrome green colors), and one that I really want… one depicting the infamous “Honky Lips” scene in which the Griswold’s find their car tagged and robbed of its hubcaps. Additionally, the first non-movie edition of this ride will hit the streets completely blacked-out as part of Greenlight’s Black Bandit Series 15. There’s also a version that comes complete with a matching travel trailer from the Hitch & Tow series. Later this year they’ll go even bigger with a 1:18-scale version, and you can bet that somewhere down the road, Grandma will end up on top.
As the proud new owner of a Wagon Queen Family Truckster, my overall thoughts? It’s a damn fine automobile, if you want my honest opinion – beats the Hell out of the Sports Wagon.