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Watch: MR. STEVE immortalizes the PBS KIDS VIP Crew in song…

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Mr. Steve (aka Steve Roslonek of SteveSongs fame) has long been a staple of PBS KIDS, so it was no surprise that he made an appearance at the 2013 PBS Annual Meeting at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach last week. What was a surprise, however, is that he performed a special song that incorporated the names of blogs written by the PBS KIDS VIP (Very Involved Parent) Ambassadors – which I, The Rock Father, am a part of. Check out the informal video below, along with lyrics that I’ve hopefully transcribed correctly.


PBS KIDS VIP Blogger Song:

I know you’re Crazy About My Baybah
Who can blame ya?
I’m just your little Spanglish Baby
in Miami
And if you watch and follow me
I’ll Teach Mama how to Be
and how to Blog With Feeling.
We’re going Coast 2 Coast Mom
with The Rock Father ridin’ shotgun
Yvonne in L.A… she just can’t wait to share her L.A. Story
and Sarah and Sons brought the snack
Let the Greeblemonkey in
and tell the Dandelion Moms that they can begin
The Next Kid Thing anytime they wish
We got the flashlight from Ben Spark‘s
D.C. Moms know where to park
And the Mama Maven brought her favorite dish
We’re goin’ Coast 2 Coast Mom
From here to Beverly Hills Mom dot com
All the while Elise is Rambling on and on
It’s been Simply Real Mom
The Mommy Maestra just singin’ along
And you can read all about it in my Blog.

Orangutan-Van-cover-art-300Mr Steve’s new album, ORANGUTAN VAN is available now at http://www.stevesongs.com/ or on iTunes. 

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