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Watch: THE FATHERHOOD (Fiat 500L 12″ Remix)


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Back in December, the folks at Fiat UK scored a viral hit with THE MOTHERHOOD, a rap song dedicated to all the Moms (or “Mums”) out there who “live large.” It was only a matter of time before the Dads got some props, and last week Fiat UK hit The Rock Father with details on a new clip that was in the pipeline. Today, THE FATHERHOOD arrives – a four-minute ode to new Dads, presented in a throwback to 1980s New Romanticism complete with a Human League-esque melody… a Don Johnson-style MIAMI VICE jacket… floating dream sequences… and a Unicorn. Watch it below…

You know, a lot of parents don’t like to hear this, but my 8-month-old has been sleeping through the night practically since the get-go. I’ve never had to cruise the neighborhood in hopes of quieting the munchkins like the Dad in the Fiat spot (though I have seen those pesky rollers in my rearview on occasion – but I’m 36 and have never gotten a ticket!). Actually, what might’ve helped this Dad out are those New Wave Lullabies I posted about a couple months back. 

What do you think of THE FATHERHOOD? What do you think of the car? Personally, I kind of dig the Fiat 500L, but the 2014 editions won’t arrive Stateside until this summer. I would probably look great in all-black (like my other cars).

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