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What Are Your Next Steps Following an Auto Accident?


If you’ve been in an accident with two or more vehicles, there are some steps you have to take following the accident to ensure that you’re compliant and can move forward from this process. You don’t want to get in trouble with the law or your insurance company after the fact. Keep reading for things to do right after the accident.

Stay On Scene

Make sure you don’t leave the scene until you’ve been released by a police officer. You will need to provide a statement and provide insurance information, which means that you can’t leave, even if the damage is minimal and the car can be driven. Based on the circumstances around the accident, someone may be arrested. According to Statista, there were approximately 7.36 million arrests for offenses in the U.S. in 2022, many of these coming from auto accidents.

Contact the Authorities

If you’re able to get out of the vehicle when the accident happens, you should grab your cell phone and contact the authorities. While you’re waiting for them to arrive at the scene, make sure you check on your passengers as well as those in the other vehicles that were involved. Anyone who was involved in the accident should stay on the scene. There could be missing information if one of the vehicles left.

Speak With Medical Personnel

When the medical team gets on site, let them look you over and make sure you’re okay to leave the scene. Even if you’re feeling okay, have them do a quick vital check on you because this will at least give them an idea if something major is wrong or if you’ve just experienced a little bit of whiplash. If you think you need advanced medical attention, you can go to your doctor on your own for a check-up, or take an ambulance to the hospital if your symptoms are severe.

Contact Your Insurance Agent

Once you’ve been in an accident, you will need to contact your insurance agent so that you can get a report on file for the incident. You will need to get ahold of them sooner rather than later so that they can start processing the claim. If you had your vehicle towed from the scene, you need to let them know where it is, what that contact information is, and what the storage fees are so they can get an adjuster out there as soon as possible.

Secure Treatment for Your Injuries

With whiplash and other injuries you can sustain during an auto accident, you will need to get medical treatment soon to help with the damages. Some folks who experience migraines and headaches find relief with Botox treatments. According to RefinedMD, on average, the effects of Botox for chronic migraines could last up to three months. This means that you can have steady pain relief, but may need additional treatments until they stop completely.

Seek Legal Assistance

If you think that you will need the help of legal counsel through this process, then you will need to reach out to a lawyer sooner rather than later. According to Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, under Ohio Revised Code §2305.10 (A), you must bring your personal injury claim within two years from the date you were injured to receive compensation, with some exceptions. You will do a consultation with the lawyer first, and they’ll let you know if they can take your case.

If you do find yourself in an auto accident with several vehicles, make sure you follow these steps so that you don’t find yourself in legal trouble for leaving, going untreated for injuries, and getting the compensation you deserve in a timely fashion. Missing any of these steps could put your case behind and throw off the benefits that you might be entitled to after the fact.

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