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30 Days until Baby #2: Nursery Complete


This article is more than 13 years old and may not have been updated since our last site redesign. It may contain outdated information or could be missing images.

It’s hard to believe, but the final countdown is on. I guess it’s time to crank up the Europe and start winding down the days in reverse, because our ‘New Release’ is set for arrival via scheduled C-section a month from now. I’ve been ‘nesting’ for awhile now, and the instinct of preparation is becoming a bit more frenzied. I can’t grasp people that have fleets of kids (like the Duggars) or those parents that seem like they really don’t care – having kids is a big deal, and for me it’s both exciting and daunting. The Nursery is finished, though.

I’ve been working on the new nursery on weekends off-and-on for months, and as of this past weekend it’s complete. Actually, the exterior door needs to be replaced, but we’ll get that taken care of soon enough. Like the Emperor once said, this battle station is “fully operational,” so if the baby happened to arrive today – it’s ready to go. 

This room was a bit of a challenge – the one room we never really did anything with after buying this house two years ago. Painted a dingy shade of “green,” the room had been used for storage, as a guest room, and was on-track to be a playroom until news of Baby #2 came down the pipeline. I’d already been making plans to paint it as such, but those plans quickly changed.

All of that dark green called for a heavy doze of Kilz to prime things up. The dark brown wood trim took a ton of white paint to cover, and the dark closet doors got replaced as well. It took a ton of paint, but pink and yellow became the color scheme here. “Bright and Cheery.”

The ugly floor lamp next to the crib in the pictures will be the last thing to “go,” but the room looks pretty good. Some IKEA shelves in the corner… some decals, a light, and curtains from TARGET… and some additional decor from HOBBY LOBBY… I’m happy with it. The cube-shelves are a temporary holding location for supplies. The quote on the wall? A statement from Pierre-Auguste Renoir – handpainted by my wife.

The coolest part of this for me though, is giving an update to a dresser that is over 30 years old. It was my dresser as a child, a piece of 1970’s Bassett Furniture getting a Rock Father Re-do. Out with the dark, and in with the light…




Countless coats of BEHR paint on top of Kilz, the dresser was completed with pulls from TARGET and knobs from HOME DEPOT…


 Fingers crossed that little one takes care of this and makes it last another 30 years…


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