On April 26, OPTIMUS PRIME (voiced by Peter Cullen) returns to TRANSFORMERS: RESCUE BOTS. Also appearing will be actor Mark Hamill (STAR WARS) as Uncle Woodrow, Chief Burns’ adventurous and eccentric younger brother who is convinced there are aliens beneath the earth. The folks at The Hub Network have provided me with a clip of the new episode, which I’m sharing with you tonight, right here on THE ROCK FATHER…
“What Lies Below” — Cody’s Uncle Woodrow pays a visit and is determined to find proof that aliens exist beneath the earth’s surface. His findings result in the entire Rescue Team, along with Optimus Prime, going on a mission to save Woodrow and Cody and search for a resource that is vital to the Rescue Bots’ survival, on “Transformers Rescue Bots,” Saturday, April 26 at 1:30 p.m. ET/10:30 a.m. PT on the Hub Network.