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BearerofthedarkestplaguesloIf your darkened heart burns with the feverish desire for some new death metal that recalls the early 90’s Florida scene, then BLASPHEMOUS has something for you. With BEARER OF THE DARKEST PLAGUES (out now via BAAR/FORCES OF SATAN), the band has crafted a 10-track, 55-minute set of straight-up old school death metal.
Leaning musically toward MORBID ANGEL, with a DEICIDE-esque penchant for song titling (“Raped on the Altar,” “Decimator of Holy Manifestations”), the performance moves at a frenzied pace, with blast beats, double-bass, and some serious axe-shredding.

The low-budget sound of the production actually adds to the “charm” of the album, making it sound like a lost gem from 1990 as opposed to a new release circa 2010.

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars

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