Caillou has been a fixture in our household every since Addie and I first came upon an episode of the show on either Sprout or PBS Kids about six years ago. A divisive figure among my readership, yes, but a beloved character for The Rock Daughters™, and one whose educational value I firmly stand behind, not just on television, but from the source material: books. We have several of Chouette Publishing‘s Caillou books here at Rock Father HQ, and now there’s an assortment available on YouTube in all-new Read-Along videos direct from the publisher. It’s a fun way to bring some of those stories with wherever you may roam, and an assortment of those videos can be viewed now in the player below…
Keep an eye on the new Chouette Publishing YouTube Channel for more stories, product unboxings and more, and look for the all-new book, CAILLOU GOES TO SCHOOL, available now on Amazon and at book retailers nationwide.