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Call For Submissions: The Rock Father’s 31 Days of Halloween and 25 Days of X-mas 2013

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The Rock FatherI’m in year three of doing The Rock Father already, and up until now, I’ve never posted an open call for anything. Since I know I have a lot of creative artists and PR folks that follow what I do, I’m throwing this out there – along with the reason why…

I’m working on my annual “31 Days of Halloween” and “25 Days of X-mas” (though I do include other holidays, like World Wide Wookiee Life Day), and if you have a suggestion for something to be featured as one of the “days” – now is the time to do it. I pre-program the majority of these posts. It can be a song, album, toy, game, tv show, holiday special, movie, food, place, ANYTHING – as long as it specifically fits the season and piques my interest.

Reason I’m posting this openly is here’s what happens: Each year, I get about a week into things, and all of a sudden I start getting emails with subjects like “Great fit for your 31 Days of Halloween!” And I’m like, yep… for next year. It’s all written. And thus some cool stuff ends up getting left out.

For 2013, the first week of 31 Days has been completed, and I’ve already got some assorted, scattered dates throughout October filled in. Do you have something that I my readers should know about? 

Let me know.

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