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Back to School: Getting Ready to Rock with Fashions from Gordmans #GordmansBTS

Well, it's official. Addie is signed up for her "fours and fives" Pre-K for Fall. I just got it all taken care of this past week,...

Back to School: Avoiding the Mix-Up Mishap with BRIGHT STAR KIDS…

This is the first year that we've done a real "Back-to-School" here at Rock Father HQ. Sure, Addie just turned four, but she's in...

Back to School: The CRAYOLA Color Explosion…

Not long ago, I walked into Walmart and found my attention immediately grabbed by a colorful display that reached out to me and said,...

Back to School: Funkins – Reusable Cloth Napkins for Kids

Last week, I got my Back-to-School coverage started here on The Rock Father with a dual-batch of Lunch Box Goodness (here and here). While...

Review: ShtankOut! Odor Eliminator Plush Toys for a Cause…

Earlier this year, a package arrived here at Rock Father HQ containing two ShtankOut! Plush Toys. But were they really "toys," or are they...

Blog Hop: Your Favorite Bloggers’ Favorite Local Restaurants…

Earlier this month, you might recall that I featured some of my favorite local eateries right here on The Rock Father. That post was...

Eating Local: The Rock Father and The Restaurants of Lake County, Illinois…

A group of bloggers from across the U.S. and Canada have teamed up to profile some favorite local eateries as part of a "Blog...

Review: The O-Cedar O-Duster… Not the Droid You’re Looking For…

Back in March, the folks from O-Cedar got in touch to ask if I'd like to try out one of their new O-Duster Robotic...

Father’s Day: Oral-B hits the mark with their POWER OF DAD video… #powerofdad

The folks over at Oral-B are getting into the Father's Day spirit with a new video that celebrates the "Power of Dad." With over...

When Spring Arrives… Conquer Spring Allergies Naturally with Hyland’s

Spring has "officially" been here for just about a month now, but it's not officially here. I believe that the seasons are timeshifting, moving...

Earth Month: New Data shows Parents want Green Homes…

April is Earth Month, and now the results of the Green Real Estate Survey (conducted by the National Association of Realtors) have been revealed....

Spring Cleaning: Native Organics Plant-based cleaners (Review)

I've officially entered "Spring Cleaning" mode here at Rock Father HQ, and that means that beyond my daily routine, I'm also starting to deep...

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