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Rock Father: Unleashed

I See My Work Not in Hours and Dollars, but in Boxes of Diapers…

When you're an independent contractor, whether doing entertainment, a skilled trade, consulting, or anything else - every day is a hustle. For The Rock...

Shady Dealings? Baby product maker Maclaren USA quietly files for Chapter 7 liquidation…

It's 2am and as I was updating The Rock Father™ facebook page, I happened to see a post in my feed from The Baby...

Hate to Say “I Told You So” – WONDER! megastore closes it’s doors after just four months…

''Ever get the feeling that you've been cheated?'' - John Lydon, SEX PISTOLS On February 15, 2012 - a mere eight days ago - I...

MILLIE COW – Harmless Children’s Book, or Terrifying Bovine Demon?

The name Roger Priddy may not mean much to you. Despite selling over 65 million books worldwide and having his titles translated into over...

ARCHIE brings their comics to Facebook via Graphicly

As each day passes, I always wonder if my children will be able to experience comic books the way I did growing up. It's...

TRANSFORMERS for Toddlers coming to TV beginning tomorrow…

Tomorrow is a day that's all about the TRANSFORMERS at THE HUB (they are part owned by Hasbro), and while the network debut of...

THE AQUABATS! SUPER SHOW! finally making it’s debut this March!

I have been eagerly awaiting the debut of THE AQUABATS! SUPER SHOW! since it was formally announced last summer, and after getting picked up...

Rock Father Adventure: Shopping in a world of WONDER!

Note: Just five days after posting this article, WONDER! abruptly closed without warning. Read my follow-up post here.Last Monday, after a family trip to...

STAR WARS – Teaching the Force THE ROCK FATHER™ Way…

Posted February 10, 2012: As I'm sure you're already aware, STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE is back in theaters as of today, newly...

Modern Retro: BIG TRAK returns as the bigtrack XTR

I was one of a great many kids that had and loved BIG TRAK back in the early 1980's. Released in 1979 by Milton-Bradley...

Watch: “Sh*t People Say At Record Stores”

I used to work in a record store. Actually, I managed a Sam Goody store in a past life, then I helped out in...

For the Girls: LEGO Friends arrive in U.S. stores…

I'd never really considered the fact that most LEGO products were geared towards boys, probably because we're in DUPLO mode here at The Rock Father™ house. Thinking back to my...

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