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Rock Father Rides

Hungry Jack Racing, Family and the Opportunity to Be Your Own Jack!

Disclosure: THE ROCK FATHER™ is a paid "Be Your Own Jack" Brand Ambassador for Hungry Jack. All opinions are that of James Zahn, because...

First Car Moment: Important Cars, Milestones and Rockin’ the Road…

THE ROCK FATHER™ has partnered with Life of Dad and Michelin for the #FirstCarMoment promotion.  He has been paid for his participation, but his...

Test Drive: Rockin’ the Road – 2015 TOYOTA SIENNA XLE

When it comes to the Minivan category, I have always been "that" guy - the "never-gonna-drive-one" sort that doesn't even consider the category when...

Summer Car Care Kick-off: Win a Meguiar’s Prize Pack to Get Your Ride Shined and Ready to Rock the Road…

The love of cars runs deep here at Rock Father HQ, and the summer months bring with them a lot of opportunities to enjoy...

Watch: Hands-on with the Hot Wheels STAR WARS Character Cars Chopper and Boba Fett!

One of the fastest-growing and most exciting toy collections here at Rock Father HQ in recent months is the Hot Wheels STAR WARS Character...

Watch: Highlights from DriveShop’s First Annual PineBlock Charity Invitational

This week, something unique took place at Wild About Cars Garage in Kirkland, WA - the 1st Annual DriveShop PineBlock Charity Invitational. This race,...

Dynacraft Launches “Experiments in Fun” Series with a Car-less Ride-in Theater…

Now this is cool. A lot of you know how big both movies and rides (cars/bicycles/powered ride-ons/scooters/etc) are here at Rock Father HQ, and...


It's hard to believe that I've been writing about DreamWorks Animation's TURBO for two years already, but here we are - and the Netflix...

Revell to Release Six New Chip Foose Model Kits…

Funny enough, the girls and I were just at Hobby Lobby earlier today picking up some Revell products for a Pinewood project I'm doing...

BLAZE AND THE MONSTER MACHINES Toys Arrive at Toys “R” Us, DRAGON ISLAND DUEL Heads for Nickelodeon…

One of the biggest stories here on THE ROCK FATHER in the past few months was the news that toys based on NickJr's BLAZE...

Seat Belt Safety: Getting Tweens to Buckle Up…

While our girls are still pretty young, we already face some occasional issues with getting them strapped-in and making sure that they stay buckled-up...

Rides: #FreeTheSoul with Turtle Wax for a Chance to Win a Summer Adventure…

If you've got Spring Fever and are ready to start showing a little bit of love to your ride, the folks at Turtle Wax...

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