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Family Music

Mil’s Trills 2nd Annual Summer Bash: World Music Event for Families in Brooklyn this Sunday…

Ya know, I get a ton of news and invites to events in New York City - specifically Brooklyn - but hardly see anything...

Ben Rudnick and Friends to release new album on October 2…

Musicbot 6000 here with a press release from BEN RUDNICK & FRIENDS, who will release their 10th album this October...Propelled by a sonic boom...

Tony-Nominated Actress and Singer VALARIE PETTIFORD to Release an Original Collection of Lullabies

Rock Father Musicbot 6000 here with a press release from actress Valarie Pettiford, who will release a new collection of original lullabies on September...

Watch: Melissa Green releases “Sing Loud!” music video…

LA-based musician MELISSA GREEN has a new family-oriented album called SING LOUD! due out on July 31st, and today she's released the music video...

Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Owl City, LMFAO, more get the Lullaby Treatment…

This could be the biggest Lullaby record of the year. Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star just sent over details on Lullaby Pop HitZzz Vol...

WIDESPREAD PANIC lullaby collection released…

Somehow I missed this. Maybe it's because this past week was abnormally busy and the 4th of July fell on a Wednesday, but somehow...

Monthly HIP TOT MUSIC FEST comes to Brooklyn…

For our friends in NYC, Brooklyn is getting another family-friendly music festival as the HIP TOT MUSIC FEST will be taking place on the...

BOB DYLAN gets the Lullaby Treatment…

Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star just hit The Rock Father with the details on their 74th collection of lullabies, LULLABY VERSIONS OF BOB DYLAN....

BIG BANG BOOM set Sept. 18 release date for BECAUSE I SAID SO!

Greetings, Friends! Musicbot 6000 here with a press release from BIG BANG BOOM, who are getting ready to release a new record of family...

Spare the Rock to release SCIENCE FAIR benefit album on July 3…

In all the pre-and-post baby commotion over the past month, there's a lot of stuff that I've missed. One such bit of news is...

Southern Rock Lullabies? Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star has a new collection…

Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star just hit The Rock Father with news that they've released yet another collection of popular songs in lullaby form,...

Listen: Kindie Rockers SWIMMERS release first two tracks…

Earlier this week I teased this, and now you can hear it for yourself. SWIMMERS is a new kindie rock project from Ernest Wuethrich - a...

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