30.8 F

Toys, Games and More...

The Xbox One Elite Bundle is Coming for the Holidays… packing 1TB of Storage…

I'm having a bit of a flashback. It was the Holiday season of 2007 that Harmonix released their original ROCK BAND game, and it...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS The Black Series Mosep Binneed – 2 Days to Go

Mosep Binneed is one of those STAR WARS characters that was essentially a "featured extra" when it comes to the actual cinematic realm. Featured...

SOFIA THE FIRST gets BRAVE – Merida Comes to Enchancia…

This October, a familiar face is coming to Enchancia... Merida from Disney•Pixar's BRAVE. On Monday, October 12, Sofia's Aunt Tilly returns to give her a...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS PLAY-DOH Millennium Falcon – 3 Days to Go

I have not yet seen any STAR WARS Play-Doh sets in-person, but they're out there. With Can Head characters and molds representing iconic ships...

Lalaloopsy Super Silly Party: BAND TOGETHER DVD + a Mini Doll Giveaway!

There comes a certain point with nearly every pop culture brand where eventually, the characters must form a band. I'm not sure why that...

It’s FORCE WEEK! Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Han Solo & Tauntaun – 4 Days to Go

It's #ForceWeek here at Rock Father HQ, with #ForceFriday just four days away! If you're just joining us, September 4th, 2015 is Force Friday...

Kicking Off Fall with New Toys from Step2 + Win the One You Want!

As a Step2 Brand Ambassador, I've had the joy of bringing you a ton of news, reviews and features on new products from The...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Legacy Collection Yaddle – 5 Days to Go

We're nearing the end... #ForceFriday is just five days away, and STAR WARS fans are making plans for where they'll be to get their...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS RISK – 6 Days to Go

Six days to go until #ForceFriday. As fans prepare an assault on their favorite stores to acquire new STAR WARS toys with military precision,...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR WARS Galactic Heroes Escape from Mos Eisley – 7 Days to Go

We have officially hit the week were things turn CRAZY. Force Friday is just seven days away, and for STAR WARS fans, this day...

Force Friday Countdown: STAR TOURS “Rex” – 8 Days to Go

Paul Reubens is hard at work on Pee-wee's Big Holiday for Netflix right now, but today is his birthday, so it's totally cool if...

Here’s What’s Happening at Disney Store on Force Friday!

With all the news continuing to roll in about #ForceFriday, it's time for the full details on what's cooking at Disney Store. They're preparing...

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